5G Technology isn’t Harmful, Misuse of Technology is: Dr. Mohammed Salim Engineer

MOHAMMED SALIM ENGINEER, an IIT-Kanpur alumnus and Professor at NIT, Jaipur, who has done Ph.D. on 4G mobile communication technology, is presently Vice President Jamaat-e-Islami Hind. In an interview with MUSHARRAF ALI, Sub-Editor of Kanti Hindi Weekly, he dispelled the controversy that 5G Mobile Communication Technology and its radiation is causing great harm to human…

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December 13, 2022
  1. MOHAMMED SALIM ENGINEER, an IIT-Kanpur alumnus and Professor at NIT, Jaipur, who has done Ph.D. on 4G mobile communication technology, is presently Vice President Jamaat-e-Islami Hind. In an interview with MUSHARRAF ALI, Sub-Editor of Kanti Hindi Weekly, he dispelled the controversy that 5G Mobile Communication Technology and its radiation is causing great harm to human health.


Q: One important aspect of your personality is that you have done your Ph.D. on 5G. Please tell us what 5G is all about?

A: I have to make it clear that 5G is indeed my area of research. Some students are doing research thereon under my supervision; two of my students are doing research even on 6G as well. However, my own research was in the area of 4G Mobile Communication Technology; it was in 2012 that I completed my doctoral thesis. At that time 4G was not fully launched in India.

This 4G, 5G, 6G, etc. are mobile technology generations, viz. developed forms of the technology. As technology advances, its new generation is introduced. In the beginning, there was initially 1G, then 2G , 3G and 4G and now we are preparing for using 5G Technology. One big factor in post-3G technology is Data Rate. Data Rate affects internet connection speed. If Data Rate is good, it will keep connection speed fast; big files also can be opened easily. To play a video requires fast Data Rate. While playing a video, you would have encountered waiting with something moving on the screen. This is called buffering. Buffering means data is heavy and the connection speed slow; so it stores some data as a result of buffering and then releases it, and this process of storing and releasing data continues. If Data Rate is fast, there would be no buffering, viz. you would not have to wait.

In earliest generations Data Rate was very slow. It was a few Kilobits per second (Kbps), viz. one thousand bits per second. Then it was upgraded  in the range of  a few Megabits per second (Mbps), viz. ten lakh bits per second. Now preparation is to introduce Gigabits per second (Gbps), which would be one thousand times faster than Mbps. Technological details of 5G have been finalised and  Data Rate up to 100 Gbps would be supported. There is an international institution which ascertains its criteria  and sets Global Standards of Technology such as its frequency of transmission  and  Channel bandwidth. At present this technology is in the process of testing but soon it would be available commercially for public use.


Q: Which international institution ascertains the criteria of new technology?

A: There are several agencies and institutions which play a key role in Frequency band allocations for various applications and technologies and technology standardisation. Most important of them are (i) Federal Communication Commission (FCC) USA, (ii) European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI), and (iii) International Telecommunication Union- Radio Communication Sector (ITU-R).

The 5G Mobile Communication Technology is the part of Third Generation Partnership Project  (3GPP).


Q: So, 5G is the developed form of 4G. What are the basic differences between the two? Further, what was the need felt to shift from 4G to 5G?

A: To shift from the present technology to its developed generation is a natural process. It is human disposition that man always thinks of progress and advancement. He gets something great and then strives to achieve greater. That is, man is always in search of betterment. This search for betterment leads him to research. The age of one generation is about ten years. During this period new requirements come to the fore and research begins. This process continues. Thus, one big factor of shifting to 5G is Data Rate. It will increase internet connection speed, and its quality will be enhanced.

In the beginning we had the technology which provided SMS facility. After some progress, we started using MMS, and now files are transferred. Earlier we could transfer only audio files; now we are able to transfer video files. The size of a file depends on its resolution. If the file is of good quality, we have to enhance its resolution. With this, the data of that file will be increased and it will require faster Data Rate. For the sake of enhancement of quality we shifted from 3G to 4G, and now we are shifting from 4G to 5G.

Some new facilities have been introduced in 5G. Some facilities were introduced in 4G also. Now they have been made more advance. For example, Internet of Things (IoT) and Telemedicine, etc.

One more thing increases with generation and that is frequency. The frequency with which transmission is measured is of great importance. Frequency varies from generation to generation. It was 400-500 Megahertz (MHz) in 1G, 800-900 MHz in 2G, 1500-1800 MHz in 3G, over 2000 MHz in 4G; and now it is being further increased in 5G in the range of 28 GHz (Gigahertz) and 39 GHz.

Fast internet is the need of everyone; everyone wants the file to open as he taps on the screen. Higher frequency  provides more  channel bandwidth and it supports higher Data Rate.


Q: It is said that 5G requires a large number of cells to be functional. These cells are harmful to health. It is also said that 5G radiation has caused death to birds, and that now it is killing humans in large numbers which is attributed to Covid. How far is it true?

A: Mobile tower range is an important component of technology. Area covered by Mobile tower is called cell and the range it covers is called cell radius. With advanced technology we are having small cell radius. Earlier, one tower was used to cover a large area. 2G and 3G towers used to cover 1-2 kilometres. In 4G it was reduced to 300-400 metres. And in 5G it is being further reduced to 20-30 metres only. The technology of small towers is good from every angle. As it costs a lot, mobile phone companies want to cover a large area by installing big towers so that they might have to install minimum number of towers. But in doing so, they have to increase power. And this is not proper.

You said that the greater number of cells is harmful to health but the reality is contrary to it. More and more cell towers with reduced radius and power are beneficial to people. The issue of tower-induced radiation and the harm caused by it has been often raised. In 2012, when 4G was to be launched, a plea filed in Rajasthan High Court, Jaipur claimed that 4G towers were causing diseases, including cancer. At that time my doctoral research on 4G was about to be completed. Hearing this petition, the High Court formed a 4-member committee, in which I was included as member and technical expert. Other members on the committee were the Principal of Jaipur Medical College, a cancer specialist and a Physics professor. We had to submit the report in two months. We conducted a survey in Jaipur and submitted the report in time. The gist of the report is that the increasing number of towers is not harmful, rather it is good to increase the number of towers. The report recommended to increase the number of towers and reduce their radius and power. This has been taken into consideration in the new technology. Governments should see to it that it should be implemented in letter and spirit. Installation contractors install antennas of different companies on one single tower. This causes increase in radiation at a particular place. This should be avoided at the time of installation. If companies do not act upon these instructions, it can cause harm. However, the rumour being spread that this technology would cause this and that harm, is scientifically baseless. I think some purpose is being served behind it.

As for the claim that 5G radiation kills birds, there is no proof and no technological argument thereof. Birds are so sensitive that they would not go near a mobile tower if ever it starts emitting more heat or radiation; in that case they would sense it and eventually change their direction from afar. Therefore, the claim is baseless. I wonder how such baseless things are spread on social media and people quite unwittingly become part of this propaganda campaign. Another point is that the installation of 5G towers is yet to be done.

It is true that radiation causes harm if someone is exposed to it for a considerably long time and the power is also at enhanced rate; but when some technology is researched, it is tested from every angle. Its impact on human body is also taken into consideration. Before finalising a new technology, it is subjected to every kind of experiment. There was radiation in 3G and is in 4G; and it will be there in 5G as well. If one is exposed to radiation for a quite long time, it will be harmful. As power is reduced on accelerated frequency, the harm from radiation also lessens. It is considered in technology and standard is maintained so that it may not prove harmful to humans. In design too its power is not allowed to cross a certain level.

In every technology certain instructions are given. If they are violated and misused, it would be harmful, and it can earn penalty. These days the eyes and ears of children get damaged. This is due to misuse of technology. They remain glued to mobile phones, keep the device clung to the ears or keep their eyes concentrated on the screen for hours together. If exposure to radiation is allowed for a considerably long time, it would be harmful. But there is no proof of radiation-induced cancer or any other disease.

There is no doubt that too much use of a mobile phone is harmful. But owing to it the progress of technology cannot be stopped. In my report (to the Rajasthan High Court) I had written that a mobile phone must not be used in a particular position for more than six minutes. The user should change his position within six minutes, change his hand and ear (from right to left or left to right) or put the phone on speaker or make any other change because after six minutes the inner cells of the body part stuck to the phone get heated. It happens as we see it happening in a microwave oven. However in comparison to a microwave oven, there is much less power in a mobile device. But if this much less power continues to heat a particular body part for quite some time, it can cause harm.


Q: What is your take on some considerable impact of 5G on economy?

A: If good vehicles consuming less fuel start running on a well-constructed road at some place, and they are also fast running then it would definitely yield commercial benefits. Likewise, when you make advancements in internet facility, more work can be done in less time as you won’t have to wait while sending and receiving files, it would ensure commercial benefits. Technology does aim to provide facilities for people and accelerate industrial growth.


Q: Will a 5G smartphone support 10 Gbps?

A: Technology generation is advanced as per Data Rate and other advanced features. You have talked of only 10 Gbps; while 5G can go up to 100 Gbps. It means Data Rate at some place would be 10 Gbps, and at another place it might provide more Data Rate; and this can go on increasing up to 100 Gbps. This technology is being updated to increase Data Rates also.


Q: 5G will increase dependence on internet and work from home culture. What positive and negative impacts it would leave on man’s social life?

A: Fast internet service will certainly change lifestyle. But it is not that it would make any big change in social life. Change will come unconsciously; it will be hardly noticed when we came from 4G to 5G. But one thing is certain that we are gradually marching towards digital life. Dependence on internet is lessening our other activities and thus our lifestyle is changing. It has its social aspects as well. Even today, if you make too much use of mobile phone, you would fall prey to loneliness. We should benefit from useful aspects of new technology and keep from the aspects that are bound to weaken us socially.


Q: How would 5G impact IoT, in which we can embed several household appliances with internet, so much so that one smart city can be embedded with other smart cities? Will it not increase the danger of hacking?

A: One application of 5G is Internet of Things or IoT. It can embed many household appliances with mobile. Wherever a person may be, he can operate them with the help of internet, can know what is happening at home. If he likes to turn the AC or geyser on well before entering his home, he can do so. He can get the door opened without touching it as soon as he comes at the door. There are also other facilities like this.

As for the danger of hacking, we can say any system can be hacked. It is because codes are created by humans and they can also break them. But there is solution thereto. Ethical Hacking has now become a full-fledged technology. There is formal training on how to protect the system from being hacked. Besides, when we march from one generation to another, its security is enhanced along with other things.


Q: How can this new technology advance virtual reality, telemedicine, etc.?

A: Some 4G applications take a lot of time to transmit large data files, now with increase in Data Rate in 5G, they would become real time, viz. the issue of buffering will come to an end and the file would open at the click of a finger. Whether it is virtual reality or telemedicine, it requires Data Rate as it transfers big files.

Telemedicine is another very important application of 5G. It enables you to get connected with an expert while you are at home, report can be sent and expert opinion be sought. A surgeon doing surgery here can take help from specialised doctors sitting in any part of the world. Such an operation will be live and doctors sitting there will watch it on the screen and send directions, and solve problems, if any. In 5G this process will become faster and hopefully in 6G it would be further enhanced. There are dreams ahead in this regard. For example, vehicles without drivers. One experiment thereof has been done in the form of drone technology. This is on a very small level but efforts are on to introduce it on a large scale. It is not necessary that all this will be completed in 5G. But people are eyeing on future applications.


Q: Won’t 5G facilitate transmission of obscene material? It would certainly tell badly upon the general health of society. Then is there any facility in 5G technology to protect people especially youth and kids?

A: This issue is not related to 5G or any other generation technology, but rather it is related to social mentality. A technology can be used for good purpose or bad purpose. Technology does not know for what purpose it is being used. Whether you transfer Qurānic verses or obscene material, it is the same for technology as it reads only bits.

How to control transmission of obscene material is quite another issue. Where there are innumerable benefits of technology, there are also its disadvantages. We should certainly take measures to protect ourselves from these disadvantages and bad effects. For this technological progress cannot be hampered. We will have to make use of technology with due protection.