The biggest attempt by international aid groups to break the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip has gotten underway. Nine ships under the banner, Freedom Flotilla, began their journey to Gaza despite warnings from Israel that they will be stopped for “breaching Israeli law”. The vessels are carrying 5,000 tonnes of reconstruction materials, school supplies and medical equipment. The biggest of the nine ships set off from Istanbul, Turkey, heading to the south western city of Antalya where two other Turkish ships will be waiting to join the convoy. The three ships will then travel to the waters off Athens and Crete to rendezvous with the other six, before making the four-day journey to Gaza. The convoy is from the UK, Ireland, Algeria, Kuwait, Greece and Turkey, and comprises 800 people from 50 nationalities. It is made up of three cargo ships and five passenger boats.
A senior Israeli official has warned the activists that their flotilla of cargo ships and passenger boats will be stopped from entering Gaza.