Now that the discussion about the New York City Islamic Centre near Ground Zero is being put in perspective by many faceted points of view, we can reflect on the cause of the problem. The Time Magazine appropriately asked the question, “Is America Islamophobic”? A cabbie in the NYC was stabbed and a Mosque construction equipment was arsoned in Tennessee. There has been more than 50 incidents of violence against Muslims in the last month alone.
On September 1, the Clinton Islamic Centre hosted an Iftaar (fast-breaking dinner) with the largest number of community members and leaders in attendance. Prevailing view was that Muslims are going through the same hate and prejudice that other minorities have gone through namely Jews, African-Americans, and Mormons, etc. Muslims have no choice but to combat this Islamophobia with outreach and education. It is also an opportunity to reaffirm our place in American culture.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has unveiled a series of public service announcements ( to build interfaith bridges and celebrate common ground. Muslims have also organised a National Day of Unity and Healing on September 11 to bring about healing of wound and fighting the prejudice prevailing. Leaders from all regional Islamic centres, Churches United of the Quad Cities, the Temple Emanuel, the Tri-city Jewish Centre, and Order of St. Francis in Clinton will come together to show their solidarity. This important event will be at Moline Mosque (6005 34th Ave.) from 5-6PM. All three monolithic faiths share Patriarch Abraham, originating from same areas with same set of beliefs. When we look closely, there is much more in common among us than the people think.
We also feel that Muslims need to engage in more social justice work and collaborate with each other to improve the lives of indigent people in our community and beyond. To achieve this goal, a food drive has been planned where people are encouraged to bring non-perishable items to September 11 event to support local food pantries. Donation has been collected for this in the Quad Cities. Clinton Islamic Centre has pledged to raise $5,000 to help homeless shelters and work with local organisations to provide help for the needy throughout the year. Having presence of a large number of Muslim doctors in the area, a free medical clinic is being contemplated.
Muslims in the US must work with like-minded organisations and do the work required to create stronger friendships and bond within their local communities. Education about our Islamic beliefs and practices will serve to reduce the prejudice and ignorance.
Only then we will be able to fight Islamophobia effectively for the good of our communities.