Mr. Syed Shahabuddin, President All India Muslim Majlis-e-Mushawarat (AIMMM) and Convener Babri Masjid Movement Coordination Committee (BMMCC), has expressed apprehension that Sangh Parivar plans to reject the final judicial verdict and to re-launch Ram Janambhoomi agitation. He has also called upon the civil society to stop Sangh Parivar and urge the Government to accept the final verdict and implement 1994 Road Map.
AIMMM and BMMCC have noted the growing nervousness of the Sangh Parivar, as the proceeding on the title suit related to Babri Masjid, being heard by the Special Bench of the Allahabad High Court, approaches its finale.
“While the Muslim community at various levels has reiterated that it shall accept the final judicial verdict on title to the disputed site, whatever it be, no Hindu organisation has given a parallel undertaking,” a statement said on July 22.
“On the other hand, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and the Sangh Parivar have already begun preparations for re-launching the Ram Janam Bhoomi Movement in anticipation of their losing the title suit. They are holding public meetings as well as seminars to confuse and misguide the people.
“Their agitation not only goes against the almost complete national consensus since 1994 that there is no scope for settlement through negotiations and that there is no other solution but through the judicial verdict followed by the implementation of the road-map drawn by the Supreme Court in 1994.
“The rejection of the final judicial verdict by either party as well as the refusal to accept the road map in the light of the verdict will also be unconstitutional.
“But the Sangh Parivar is demanding that in case its loses the case, the Parliament should enact a law to hand over the disputed site to the Hindus. It fails to appreciate that the legislature cannot usurp a Wakf property to hand it over to non-Muslims, or in general, to take over a religious property to hand it over to another religious community for building a religious structure.”
The AIMMM and the BMMCC has appealed to all academicians, jurists, politicians and persons of goodwill to boycott the agitational activities of the Sangh Parivar and to demand that not only all the parties concerned but the Central Government also accept and implement the final judicial verdict, so as to close the dark and tragic episode of Demolition, 1992, and to enable the nation to march forward.