Auron ka hai Payaam aur, mera Payaam aur hai, / Ishq key dardmand ka tarz–e–kalaam aur hai! (Iqbal)
Let me now summarise what it is these folks are saying.
They all, mind you in one way or another, as the saying goes, believe God exists.
They believe he made them. They believe he made and owns and runs the world in which they live and operate.
They also believe everything they have was given to them by God, and when the time comes he shall take it all away from them.
So, in principle, they would all like to be on the right side of God – and keep him pleased.
I don’t think anyone would want to dispute any of what I have said thus far. I don’t think so, but who knows – people being people. So up to this point, let us say, we all agree. More or less.
But right at this point we may also say: Let the Fights Begin.
You can have two matches going at the same time – on two different courts if you are thinking of tennis. The Jews and the Muslims can fight it out which one of them is a better believer or a stronger Monotheist.
On the other court, Hindus and Christians can go after each other trying to establish who can get to God faster in the midst of all the icons and images they both have set up in such joyous abundance.
But I have a simple test: a really easy way out. If you say you believe in God, you are a believer in God – period. That is it. That should end the debate.
There isn’t going to be any trial by fire here. Your word is good enough.
Also, there is something else that is important. How good or bad a believer you are. And, whether or not, your actions bear out your beliefs.
But at least for the time being, we must leave that stuff to be sorted out between you and your God.
So, given the fact that at least one half of the world believes in God, I say let us all join hands to celebrate a World Day of God.
That means I am calling on all the Jews, Christians, Hindus and Muslims of the world to jointly declare a common day of celebrating God Almighty – the Maker and Master of the World.
And let us do it on this coming Hajj day – which is celebrated as Eidul Adha all over the world on Tuesday, November 16, 2010.
Hajj, as well as Eidul Adha, is a celebration of Abraham and Isaac and Ishmael. They are all important Biblical Prophets.
And, guess what, they are all important not only to Jews and Christians, but also to Muslims. And that means every Muslim everywhere.
How is that as a basis – or an excuse if you wish – for a common cause or for some kind of a coming together or meeting of minds as they say?
So, none of them can say no, right?
As for the Hindus, they are some of the most accommodating people in the world when it comes to reaching across the aisle. So, they will be happy to oblige.
Here is what I suggest we do on that day: On World Day of God.
Wake up in the morning – as much before sunrise as you can.
Brush and clean and wash up.
Shower and bathe as convenient.
Wear clean clothes.
You don’t have to, but if you want to put on a new shirt or tie, or wear a new jacket or a new pair of pants, or sport a new skirt or blouse or dress or anything else, just go for it.
Feel good about yourself and about what you are doing: Stepping out of yourself, as it were, to meet your God.
Don’t throw a lot of money getting anything new and expensive, but, hey, if you can afford it why not indulge within the limits of moderation.
And don’t forget, whether you are a Muslim or not, Islam came to teach us all moderation – in practically everything we do.
Once you are clean and once you have put on fresh, clean clothes, here is what you do:
Find a clean, quiet and peaceful place.
Sit or stand in that place for the next 20-30 minutes.
If you can do it before sunrise, that is great. If not, do it whenever you can.
Make sure there are no pictures, images, icons, idols and other such distractions where you are standing.
All the stuff the Bible says you should not have and should not bow down to.
Just a clean place, with a clean floor covering as you see fit – a sheet; a rug; a carpet.
Basically, any type of flooring including cement, tile, wood or something else will do so long as it is clean.
After that:
Start emptying your head and your heart of all bad things.
Things such as lust and greed;
Hate and hostility;
Anger and covetousness.
And try and keep all distractions and intrusions at bay.
And begin to concentrate.
Concentrate on the name of God: GOD ALMIGHTY!
The One and Only.
Concentrate on him, on his name.
Or concentrate on Allah if you prefer it in Arabic.
Jews, Christians as well as Muslims all refer to God as Allah in Arabic.
God the almighty.
God of love and forgiveness.
God of compassion and grace.
And God of renewal and hope.
One and only God.
And then slowly start chanting:
“No God besides God!”
“No God besides God!”
“No God besides God!”
Those words are from the Old Testament.
And they are also from the New Testament.
And they are also the Qur’an.
Being from the Old Testament, as those words are, the Jews should love them.
Those words also came out of the mouth of Jesus. So the Christians should love them too.
The Muslims can chant the same words in Arabic if they want:
“Laa Ilaaha Illa Allaah!”
That is directly from the Qur’an.
And it means “No God besides God!”
That is the same message of the Old Testament.
And of the New Testament.
Recaptured here and immortalized in the original divine language of the Quran.
And through the non-stop day-and-night chanting of 1.5 billion Muslims around the world.
[Write to the author at [email protected]. Also visit www.IslamicSolutions.Com and Listen to Pasha Hour International.]