Communal Riots in Hyderabad

Communal Riots in Hyderabad

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August 11, 2022

It was really unfortunate to see communal riots in Hyderabad, after a gap of almost two decades. Hyderabad has developed tremendously during the last decade. It has progressed in IT, education, tourism and other economic spheres, including one of the best airports. The death of former Chief Minister Rajasekhar Reddy followed by the political wrangling has weakened the sitting Chief Minister and subsequent Telangana agitation kept the city in turmoil. The current chaos is a pre-meditated plan with a political motive. This has to be understood by both the communities, and their misunderstanding should be cleared by frequent meetings of their representatives. They should also be supported and publicised by the Government and NGOs. This will curtail the moves by the mischief mongers to spread hatred and violence.

Mohammed Sadullah Khan
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia