Evil has Spread on the Land and at Sea…

The total number of deaths in the World War-I (1914-19) is estimated to be between 15 million to 22 million. Up to that time it was the deadliest war ever fought. The selfish and bloodthirsty political masters of the world were not satisfied with this bloodshed. They embarked on another war (1939-45) which caused widespread…

Written by

Ejaz Ahmed Aslam

Published on

October 29, 2024

Almighty Allah wanted the earth to be an abode of peace, prosperity and tranquillity. But man has made it a place of conflict, tension and war. What could have been a heaven has been turned into a virulent hell. No period of history has been free from bloodshed and mayhems.

We claim undeservedly that we are the most civilized generation of all times. But the history of the last one century proves that humanity had not seen so much blood flowing on earth in its entire past as in the last one 100 years.

The total number of deaths in the World War-I (1914-19) is estimated to be between 15 million to 22 million. Up to that time it was the deadliest war ever fought. The selfish and bloodthirsty political masters of the world were not satisfied with this bloodshed. They embarked on another war (1939-45) which caused widespread destruction and slaughtering. Regarding this destructive war, Google says: “Most suggest that some 75 million people died in this war, including about 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians. As if it was not enough, the rulers continued their machinations and anti-human policies, just for achieving their selfish ends. Thus, we see countless warsall over the world.

After 1940s many Muslim countries got independence. But, unfortunately, their record also is not good. We came across Iran-Iraq war, wars in Afghanistan, Arab-Israel wars and a long list of smaller wars and battles. It should be noted that most of these wars were instigated and promoted by the so-called civilized nations of the world like the US, USSR (now Russia), France, etc.

The Shylocks of Arms Industry, most of them from the US and other developed countries, just to fulfil their coffers, indulge in warmongering. One Muslim intellectual estimates that in the arms industry the margin of profit is very high. Sometimes it touches even 1000 percent.

At present two major wars are raging. One is between Russia and Ukraine. Most of the western countries are supporting Ukraine to defend itself. Russia wants to fight because it fears that if Ukraine joins NATO, the danger to its eastern part will enhance. Another war is raging between the US proxy state of Israel versus Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis and Iran. There is a genuine fear that if it is not stopped, this war may become a big regional war even if it does not develop into a world war.Several years back, UNESCO had said that wars begin in the human minds, therefore it is in the human mind where defences have to be built.

Conflicts and wars are not in the interest of the humanity. There is a real fear that there may be escalation in the Middle East conflict. It will do unlimited damage to the entire world. Already the world is passing through a sort of recession. Therefore, all peace-loving persons and well-wishers of humanity should step in and control Israel and ask the biggest manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction and master of intervention and regime change – the USA – and its western allies to have mercy upon the gravely suffering humanity and stop their war games. For this, the Israeli regime of Netanyahu should be forced to stop its occupation and warmongering policy. Peace-loving countries of the world should prevail upon Russia to stop its aggression against Ukraine. And, the US should desist from its policy to admit Ukraine to NATO.

The limited and scarce resources of the world should be utilized for human welfare, healthcare, education and alleviation of poverty. Let the world move from conflict and war to peace, prosperity, cooperation and love and development of the entire humanity.