Gleanings of Arabic Press 29-Nov-22

The Turkish and Iranian drones have created a new security threat to the countries of the region. Iranian drones are not of the level of efficiency of their Turkish counterpart. But they are cheaper and less expensive. The price of the Iranian drone ranges between US$ 20 thousand and US$ 30 thousand, while the price…

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December 29, 2022

March of Turkish, Iranian Drones

The Turkish and Iranian drones have created a new security threat to the countries of the region. Iranian drones are not of the level of efficiency of their Turkish counterpart. But they are cheaper and less expensive. The price of the Iranian drone ranges between US$ 20 thousand and US$ 30 thousand, while the price of its Turkish drones ranges between US$ 1 million and US$ 2 million. Nevertheless, Iran is trying to expand the scope of its sales, but it is certain that Tehran’s clients are not only non-state actors, but countries on which there are sanctions, or which have bad relations with the West.

Turkey and Iran have the ambition to gain geopolitical dominance. This may lead to proliferation of drones in the hands of terrorist and armed organisations in the region. This may pose a new threat to the countries of the region. These drones can be used to support political groups backed by them, under deals similar to the agreement signed between Turkish and interim government in Tripoli, signed on October 25. This is said to pave the way for Türkiye to sell Turkey Bayraktar combat drones to the Dabaiba government.

The Turkish and Iranian drones are one of the tools used to expand the geopolitical influence of Ankara and Tehran regionally and globally, in addition to threatening their regional opponents. At the same time, they have gained a global reputation as suppliers of this type of weapon.

[by Huda Rauof in Independent Arabia]

Palestine in Arab Summits

Arab leaders went to the Algeria summit (of Arab League) with two motives. The first is out of respect for the host country, which has made a persistent effort to hold it after a hiatus of years. The other is to safeguard what remains of the Arab order represented by such summits and the Arab League.

It is easy to revive the old positions on the Palestinian issue. Similarly, it is difficult to agree on certain position which unites Arabs, particularly in relations with others. It is always said about Arab summits: “The Arabs agreed not to agree.”

The issue of Palestinians is becoming increasingly complex and getting farther from a solution, since the first summit held in early 60s and most of the summits which followed it. The PLO has used these opportunities to fill its coffers with money as it has a full membership of the Arab League.

In the case of the Algeria summit, it was presented as the achievement of those who gathered there. It was shown as the success of the host country to unite the Arab world. It is certainly a step on the road to Palestinian unity which depends on the cohesion of Arabs. But it needs to be more than a slogan and require effect on ground. The Palestinians will continue to depend on Arabs, no matter how modest its practical returns are in the direction of settlement they seek.

[by Nabil Amr in Al Arabiya]

Compiled and translated by Faizul Haque