The US-backed STL (Special Tribunal for Lebanon) has indicted four of the Hezbollah members in the bomb blast that led to assassination of the Lebanese Prime Minister, Mr. Rafiq Hariri along with 20 other people. The Head of the Hezbollah’s parliamentary bloc, Mohammad Raad said the STL’s investigation had been politicised to target the resistance movement.
The tribunal, which was authorised by the US sponsored UN Security Council resolution in 2007, issued arrest warrants against four people identified as Hezbollah members. Raad said Hezbollah will not be surprised if the tribunal was formed for the purpose of “imposing foreign hegemony over Lebanon”. The indictments indicate a political decision dictated by American and Israeli interests and they lack any direct evidence, Raad further explained. The Secretary General of Hezbollah Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah has also described the indictment as an American-Israeli plot.