Maulana Kachochvi’s Sufi Panchayat which derided Wahhabism recently, has become a potent weapon in the hands of a few writers, who had been waiting for a ‘Muslim forum’ to call the first shot. Three articles have been published in quick succession by The Hindu (although known for its secular credentials). The latest piece “A threat to multilayered secular cultures” (Oct 31) by Madanjeet Singh has gone a step further to criticize the Holy book of Muslims. He writes that some Pakistani Jihadi gangsters are “invoking over a 100 suras (verses) in the Quran that call on Muslims to kill or maim infidels”. Borrowing heavily on Maulana Kachochvi’s thoughtless remark that the Saudi petro-dollars are pouring in Indian madrasas, Mr. Singh goes more deeper, to claim that the Kashmir violence, the brutal attack on T.J. Joseph, a lecturer in Kerala and the 2002 bomb blasts in Bali, Indonesia are the handiworks of Wahhabi ideology propagated by the Saudi government. Maulana Kachochvi had also scoffed at Darululoom Deoband, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind and Jamiat-e-Ulema e Hind in his harangue at the sufi panchayat. So some more articles disdaining these organizations may be hitting the headlines in our national dailies.
Syed Sultan Mohiddin
Kadapa, A.P.