The Sports Authority of India has informed the Aligarh Muslim University as well as the CPWD (Agra) that a sum of Rs: 3 Crore and 90 Lakh has been sanctioned for Hockey Astro Turf in the Governing Body meeting of the Sports Authority of India recently.

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August 16, 2022

The Sports Authority of India has informed the Aligarh Muslim University as well as the CPWD (Agra) that a sum of Rs: 3 Crore and 90 Lakh has been sanctioned for Hockey Astro Turf in the Governing Body meeting of the Sports Authority of India recently. The CPWD has been asked to take necessary action in this matter. The Secretary, Games Committee, Prof. Tariq Mansoor has expressed happiness over this matter and hoped that the laying of Hockey Astro Turf will go a long way in revival of Hockey at AMU and restoration of its glory in this field. Prof. Mansoor said that after the Astro Turf is laid, AMU will become the centre for Hockey Activities in Western UP. Prof. Tariq Mansoor thanked the Vice-Chancellor of AMU, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis for his keen interest and help in this matter. One of the long standing requirements of the Games Committee has been met by the sanction of Synthetic Hockey Turf which is expected to be in place within one year.