The Coming of America’s Social Collapse

The foremost and fundamental institution of human society is the family unit. The fundamental pillar of a successful society is man and woman, husband and wife, and their contact brings into existence a new generation

Written by

Syed Kazim

Published on

August 17, 2022

The foremost and fundamental institution of human society is the family unit. The fundamental pillar of a successful society is man and woman, husband and wife, and their contact brings into existence a new generation. This then produces ties of kinship and community, which in turn, gradually develop further ties. The family is an instrument of continuity which prepares the succeeding generation to serve human civilization and to discharge its social obligations with devotion, sincerity and enthusiasm. If this relationship does not exist then the whole social system of a country will collapse sooner or later.

America has passed through many stages from arranged marriage to love marriage to live-in relationship to dual income no kids (DINKs) to friendship for lust to single living and don’t know what’s in for the future. On the other hand, the culture of gay and lesbian is also spreading very rapidly: as many as 7.2 million Americans under age 20 are lesbian or gay.

It is very sad to see that nowadays the Bollywood is floating the concept of love marriage, live-in relationship, DINKs (dual income no kids), friendship for lust, homosexuality and single living in almost every movie. These movies are doing nothing good to the society but are just sucking out modesty from the society and are injecting immodesty into the country in the name of entertainment.

The America’s social system is in serious trouble. Because of this the marriage rate and birth rate is coming down very drastically in America. The Americans are cutting the branch on which they are sitting. They are hitting the hammer with their own hand. As Muqaddimah Ibn Khaldun rightly said, “Each dynasty has within itself the seeds of its own downfall.” America has already witnessed its economic collapse and the social collapse is not very far. When people have an alternative in front of them, where they can enjoy and satisfy their needs without any responsibility, people go for it.

If we look into the history, we will see that the nations which have gone against nature and the divine guidance have perished and destroyed. These nations have cut their branches they were sitting on; they are the cause of their own destruction. Going against nature (fitra) is not in the character of human beings. God will destroy people when they go against their own fitra (law of nature). The people of Loot, Moosa, Hood, Nooh and Saalih (peace and blessings of Allah be to these Prophets) are an example to the whole world, as they were destroyed because of their disobedience.

Today countries with the highest population show signs of the future super powers, eg. China and India. And these countries are able to have such high population because they are following a certain social system in which social responsibility, which leads to emergence of family, is fully accepted.

According to Islam the correct relationship between man and woman is marriage, a relationship in which social responsibilities are fully accepted and which results in the emergence of a family. Sexual permissiveness and other similar types of irresponsible behaviour are not dismissed by Islam as mere innocent pastimes or ordinary transgressions. Rather, they are acts which strike at the very roots of society. Hence, Islam holds all extra-marital sex as sinful and forbidden (haram) and makes it a criminal offence. Severe punishments are prescribed to deter would-be offenders.

Islam does not look at adult celibacy simply with disfavour; it calls on every young man to take upon himself the social responsibilities of married life just as his parents did in their time. Nor does Islam regard asceticism and lifelong celibacy merely as being of no benefit; it sees them as departures from the nature of man and as acts of revolt against the Divine scheme of things.

In an Islamic society marriage is a plain and simple ceremony which can be performed anywhere in the presence of two witnesses, though it is essential that the proceedings should not be kept secret. Society must know that the couple is now going to live as husband and wife. Islam strongly disapproves of those rites, ceremonies or restrictions which tend to make marriage a difficult affair. Islam tries to make marriage the easiest and fornication the most difficult thing in society and not vice versa as it is in most societies today.

Therefore, Islam devotes much attention to the issues relating to the family and strives to establish it on the healthiest and strongest possible foundations. This current social system of America looks very attractive and glittering but when we go deep into it, we will realise that it is just hollow inside. We need to establish a social system as per the divine guidance which is very much necessary so as to have a strong, happy and a successful country.