2011 Census is Approaching

2011 Census is Approaching

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August 10, 2022

For a fast developing country like India, which may assume the status of a super power, accuracy of figures is vitally important. India can be proud of a sound tradition of uninterrupted and fairly precise censuses since 1882, when under British Rule the first census was conducted. The second national census was done in 1891, and from that year onwards every tenth year it is being conducted with regularity.

For effective planning precise information about religious, social and economic conditions is essential. We can effectively plan our political, educational, social and economic development on the basis of correct information. Indian census is taking into consideration more and more aspects of national life.

The process of 2011 Census has already started. The grassroots level enumerators play a very important role in collecting census data. Next census is going to be a massive exercise of gigantic proportions. Lakhs of enumerators would be engaged to move from door to door and collect basic information. Data would reveal exact figures of population, density of population, rural and urban distribution, sex ratio, age breakdown, ethnic composition, religious affiliations, family size, economic and educational conditions and a lot more based on human development parameters.

Every educated Indian must cooperate in this massive task so that we may know ourselves correctly. Precise data is more important for minorities and marginalised sections. Caste based census was done last time in 1931. That is why there is a growing demand for it from different sections of society. If we update caste figures greater justice can be provided for marginalised castes.

Muslims, by and large, have been marginalised in Indian society. Some of them even doubt the census figures. They quote numerous cases to prove that manipulations are done to suppress correct information about the community. We quote just one case. UP is the largest Indian State with 166,197,921 people out of whom 30,740,158 (18.5%) are Muslims (2001 Census). Almost all Muslims speak Urdu in this State. Utmost injustice was done to this sweet and rich language in UP right from the dawn of independence because it is spoken by Muslims. It was virtually banned from schools. Yet this language is alive and thriving because of its vitality and also because of small and big madrasas. The 2001 Census provides a glaring example of manipulation of figures of Urdu speakers in UP. According to it only 43.3% Muslims of UP speak Urdu. It means 56.7% Muslims of UP speak Hindi. This is a very painful case of undemocratic, unjust and fascist manipulation to deprive the Urdu speakers of their rights.

It is time the Registrar General of India takes corrective steps to rectify this mistake. Proper instructions should be given to enumerators to report things correctly and not fudge figures.

Every citizen should be alert about information which is being recorded. He must check and verify the forms which are being filled by enumerators. No room should be given to dishonest manipulators who are doing a disservice to nation and truth by their dishonesty.