Radiance Viewsweekly, being published regularly for more than half a century, is the Voice to Islam and Muslim India with constructive insight into current affairs. This pioneer of Muslim journalism in India is the credible voice heard with respect all over the nation and abroad.
This magazine has been brought out by a society, namely, “The Board of Islamic Publications” since 1963. The Objects of the society are as follows:
- To promote the scientific presentation of the tenets of Islam and their application in the day-to-day life of the people.
- To train the people, essentially women and children, in truthfulness, formation of balanced judgement and other laws of general morality by promoting the dissemination of facts and unbiased news and ventilation of Islamic views on matters of public interest.
- To fight the forces of irreligiousness, exploitation of the weaker and the backward, parochialism, dishonesty and corruption in the life of the country.
- To arouse and sustain human and national consciousness and promote true love between man and man.