A Dagger Stabbed 60 Years Ago

When it is said to them, ‘Do not make mischief on earth’, they say ‘why? We only want to establish peace’. [Al-Baqra: 11] On May 15, 2008 Israel celebrated its 60th anniversary with utmost festivities,

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When it is said to them, ‘Do not make mischief on earth’, they say ‘why? We only want to establish peace’. [Al-Baqra: 11]
On May 15, 2008 Israel celebrated its 60th anniversary with utmost festivities, including the physical presence of US president George W. Bush in Tel Aviv, while Arabs of Palestine refurbished their promise of liberating their soil even after 60 years of perpetual slavery. They pledged – with wet eyes filled with remorse of slavery but illuminating with hope and valour – to restore their autonomy or to bestow this legacy to their upcoming generations. One thing is for certain the Palestinians will never surrender before the tyrant, imperialistic and Zionist regime of Israel as Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless and greet him) once observed, “In my ummah one group will continue to fight against tyranny and oppression (till the doomsday). That group will be in the area of Syria and Palestine.”

Palestine, since times immemorial is a cradle of culture and civilisation, where one can find traces of history in three thousand BC. The most ancient inhabitants of the area were Canaanites, Amorites, and Jebusites. Palestinian Arabs are descendents of only these ancient tribes whereas about 90% of Jews of Israel are tracing lineage to the Khazar tribe of Russia (Ashkenism). These Jews of Russia later migrated to Eastern Europe. Then if Jews require a “home” as they claim, it should be in Russia or Eastern Europe and not in Palestine. As far as the theory of “Jewish suffering” is concerned, they suffered hardships in Europe and not in Palestine. Then why the world is robbing Peter to pay Paul? Muslims had been ruling over the Palestinian soil for about 1300 years right since 638 C.E. During this Islamic reign a plethora of local inhabitants embraced Islam while others lived as dhimmis – of course with peace and security. It is noteworthy that the Conquest of Palestine by Caliph Umar is the only peaceful conquest in the whole Palestinian history.  Since 1880s Zionist minded people started to migrate and inspired other Jews as well to migrate in Palestine. In 1897 such people established World Zionist Organisation under the leadership of Theodre Herzl. (These Jews had already discussed Ghana and other areas of Africa and even Argentina for making a Jewish home there but finally agreed upon Palestine). In many congresses held since 1897 the Zionist protocol of the elders of Zion was concluded. During the World War I the Zionists endeavoured to join hands with Germany. It must be noted that the headquarters of the WZO was then only in Berlin. All the hopes of Zionists were shattered when Turkey fought the war on the German side. The Zionists were caught then in a precarious situation and were compelled to follow a shrewd Dr. Wiezman of Britain. Zionists under Dr. Wiezman traded off with Britain. They proposed the dedication of all Jewish lobby and skills in favour of Britain in the world war, in lieu of a promise of a Jewish home in Palestine. Britain readily agreed. Even before completely winning the war the Balfour Declaration was signed in 1917. This document tacitly endorsed the Zionist claim in Palestine. Britain signed a secret pact called Sykes Picot and grabbed Palestine in its mandate. Fulfilling their promises with the Zionists, they facilitated Jews in and outside Palestine in every possible way. In the guise of providing security for the Jewish minority, the Britons made immigration laws, laws of citizenship, laws for right to property, laws for keeping weapons and maintaining special police, etc. to errand Jews. Needless to say that these laws were discriminating and even derogatory for the Arabs of Palestine. Palestine was though in the (A) category of Mandates according to which in the determination of the Government policy and administration the Britain was expected to respect the views and choice of the natives but unfortunately this was not so. Britain treated Palestine as any other colony of the British Empire. Britain violated every principle of self-determination in Palestine to support Jews. The tragedy was that in the League of Nations it was only Britain which was most vocal regarding the observation of these principles. The Palestinians first agitated peacefully against such discriminatory as well as derogatory policies of the Government. They soon realised that the Government is not going to pay any heed to their legitimate demands. Then they rebelled against the authorities in 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1936. In all these rebellions well equipped British armies slaughtered the natives mercilessly. In 1918 only 1.56 % area was under the direct occupation of Jews (as their property), in the period of British dominance and Zionism appeasement the tally reached 6.67. After that period 34 huge and premeditated massacres were staged between 1948-50 in which 13000 civil inhabitants were slain and nearly 926,000 survived as refugees. The Arab population in the area decreased from 800,000 to 156,000 in just two years. On November 2, 1947 the UN proposed the plan of partition of Palestine. It is worth estimating the justice and logic behind the plan which gave 56.74% area of Palestine to 33% of Jews and 42.88 % of area to remaining 67% of Arab population. Jerusalem was kept as an open city under the UN administration. The unjust partition could also not whore the greedy appetite of the Zionists as they went on to declare Israel as a sovereign nation on May 15, 1948. A series of violence, bloodshed, arson, massacres and genocides followed (for example Dier Yasin, Lydda, Beladat-e-Shaikh, etc.) as five Arab states intervened – despite the fact Israel succeeded in occupying 77% of Palestine. During the six-day war of 1967 Arabs suffered a humiliating defeat and Israel captured even the remaining 23% part of Palestine. Then onwards all the Arab demands for restoration of Palestinian territories are restrained around only this 23% area, what is called “restoration of pre-1967 situation”. It seems that not only Arabs but also the whole world (except Palestinians of course) have accepted the occupied 77% of the Palestinian territory as ‘legitimate’ Israel. In 1973 Arabs fought valiantly for their pride but because of incessant as well as persistent American chivalry for Israel, the end result was not very fruitful. The only thing that Egypt got was a ground to negotiate with Israel. Since 1987 till 1993 first intifada (uprising) achieved a remarkable success. The movement brought the innocence of Palestinians and viciousness of Israel before the world. Huge tanks and artillery of Israel to confront stones and bricks in the hands of small Palestinian children moved the world. International pressure was built upon Israel to sign peace treaties. In 1993 Oslo Accord was signed. West Bank and some parts of Gaza Strip were kept partially under Palestinian Authority. Final shape to this agreement was supposed to be given in May 1999 but because of deliberate procrastination the matter got postponed a number of times. Al-Fatah got nothing except some municipal “powers” from these peace treaties; disgruntled Palestinians initiated second intifada under the command of Hamas. Today Israel and its NATO allies are after the life of democratically elected Hamas Government. Several economic hardships have since been imposed. When all such attempts to foment the public against Hamas proved to be futile, Israel besieged the Gaza Strip – no economic help, no aid, no food, and no medicine – nothing could reach the Palestinians. Their sin is only that they had exercised their franchise-right and elected Hamas. It is more than eight months since this inhuman siege commenced. The Arab League and the UN is also not playing the desired role (their stance on the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon are eye-openers). It is clear that the world is pet of US and US is of Israel.

This is a very brief historical analysis of the Palestinian conflict. At this crucial hour of the 60 years of tyranny in Palestine we appeal to the Government of India to uphold the justified stand of Gandhiji regarding Palestine: “Palestine is of Palestinians as England is of the English and India of Indians.” Keeping this stance of Mahatma Gandhi in mind the recent developments of concluding diplomatic ties with Israel are not only deplorable but an insult to the Father of the Nation as well.