A High Drama in Hyderabad

A High Drama in Hyderabad

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July 21, 2022

December 26 witnessed a high drama in Hyderabad when political parties and women’s organisations raised voices against the heinous crime reportedly made by then Governor of Andhra Pradesh N.D. Tiwari, leading the latter to tender his resignation.  His resignation, though belated, was welcomed by many groups as it went a long way to protect the sanctity of the Raj Bhawan.

Tiwari’s resignation followed telecasts by ABN Andhra Jyoti, a Telugu news channel, showing him allegedly in a compromising position with three women in the Raj Bhawan bedroom. Though Tiwari has rejected the sex scandal as a ‘conspiracy’, no one seems to buy his side of the episode as he was not long ago dragged in a court in a paternity test case.

Born in 1925 in Nainital district, Tiwari served as Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh four terms and became the first elected Chief Minister of the newly created Uttarakhand in 2002.  He held important portfolios including Finance, Commerce, External Affairs and Petroleum in the Union Cabinet as well. The octogenarian leader, who served a jail term as a freedom fighter during 1942-44, got national fame during the freedom movement. But his alleged involvement in the sex scandal pales all these feathers on his coat.

Tiwari has certainly brought disrepute to the highest office of the State of A.P. If such an unethical and immoral practice exists in a gubernatorial office of our nation, we can just imagine the situation going on in other offices.  What message the younger generations will get? Ethical and moral values are considered bedrock of a society but they seem to have gone to the winds.

The Holy Qur’ān says, Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily, to him will We give a new life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions. “ (16:97)

On one hand, our elite talk to change the reactive mindset into innovative and problem-solving mindset to enthuse and motivate the younger generations so that they could take interest in transforming India into a developed country while on the other such a heinous act is noticed in the great office of our democratic country.

There was a time India was known throughout the globe for its civilized culture; but now India is known as a country of corrupt people. The message of such an act by a person of high stature speaks volumes of corruption spreading in our society.

If one talks about the ethical values to be maintained in the offices in particular and society in general, one should mind about the dresses our ladies have come to wear nowadays. This is the effect of modernisation that Indian ladies are accepting western dresses. Ethical values are directly proportional to empathy which means ability to understand the feeling of others.  Office-going ladies must dress decent to lead a life with honour and dignity. It is the onus on our government to establish a team comprising expert professionals who can impart training of ethical values to people so that they can help in upgrading the culture of government offices in particular.

Islam assigns different spheres of activity to men and women.  The field of work for women is her own house and for men the world outside.  The great responsibility of maintaining and managing household affairs lies on the shoulders of ladies because they have inherent sharing and caring ability. The most important thing is, Islam has assigned woman a prominent position at social level.  Hence, she can lead an honoured and dignified life without becoming a victim of any inferiority complex.  She can, in fact, offer her fullest cooperation to man in building up a chaste and virtuous society while contributing her potentialities and abilities which she possesses.

If we want to translate the dream of emerging as a developed country, our leaders should first understand the meaning of ethical values.