For the first time in decades the Gazans broke out of the world’s largest prison to experience the minutest of freedom when they tore down a part of the wall that had imprisoned them and deprived them of the dignity, honour, and humanity of their existence. Palestinians realise that because it is Israel that occupies and dominates every aspect of their life, the world will remain silent. If it was any other nation, they would be a free prosperous people by now. But Palestinians will never lose their belief in God, in themselves, their love of their land, their indomitable spirit, their patience and endurance, and their willingness to sacrifice and die before they ever surrender one particle of their beloved soil. They will be free with or without the world’s help, for their cause is just; the same just cause and freedom from oppression African Americans fought for, first in patience and song, then in action. I am reminded of Napoleon when he said that there are only two powers in the world – the sword of the oppressor and the spirit of the oppressed. In the long run, the sword is always defeated by the spirit.
K. Aminah Padmavalli
Hyderabad, AP