Muslims in Kalambar village, about 20 kms from Nanded in Maharashtra, purchased a piece of land and built a mosque on part of it while the rest of the land was used as graveyard. Muslims have been praying in the mosque and using the graveyard for burial purposes for long without any objection. Local hate-mongers…

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Muslims in Kalambar village, about 20 kms from Nanded in Maharashtra, purchased a piece of land and built a mosque on part of it while the rest of the land was used as graveyard. Muslims have been praying in the mosque and using the graveyard for burial purposes for long without any objection. Local hate-mongers however opposed the mosque and the graveyard in the village. Meanwhile a Muslim woman died in the village and as usual she was brought to be buried in the graveyard. But the hate-mongers objected to the burial arguing that, like Samsan Ghat, the graveyard should be outside the village. The matter grew hotter between the two groups and finally the hate-mongers called dozens of activists from nearby villages and demolished the mosque. Now the matter has spread panic in the village, reports said on June 26.
“Rioters are exploiting local Muslims and trying to create tension in the village by demolishing the mosque,” said the imam of the mosque. He also appealed to social organisations and district administration to get the matter solved and the mosque back to the Muslims.