A People Raised Up For Other People

Auron ka hai Payaam aur, mera Payaam aur hai, / Ishq key dardmand ka tarz-e-kalaam aur hai!  (Iqbal) You must read this book – this most amazing Al-Qur’an – and we must all read this book, because in this book God tells those who follow this book that they are created for all of humanity. And…

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June 13, 2022
Auron ka hai Payaam aur, mera Payaam aur hai, / Ishq key dardmand ka tarz-e-kalaam aur hai!  (Iqbal)
You must read this book – this most amazing Al-Qur’an – and we must all read this book, because in this book God tells those who follow this book that they are created for all of humanity. And not just for themselves. That they are created for the whole world. And not just for their own tribe, nation, society or people.
I don’t think there is quite another book like it in the world, do you?
Every law and constitution in the world, and practically every book in the world, tells its followers to love, honor, cherish and defend its own people – their own kind. Whereas this book, the amazing Al-Qur’an, which is God’s own law and constitution for the entire world and for all of humanity, tells its followers to love, defend, cherish and honor everyone else – all people.
That they have been raised up, and they exist, for the sake of the whole world, and for the sake of all other people in the world.
There really isn’t another book quite like it in the world. That is why you owe it to yourself to read this book. This amazing Al-Qur’an. Regardless of who you are and what you do.
Have you ever read a book that with one stroke set humanity free from the millennial bondage of the original sin?
Have you ever read a book, from 1400 years ago, in which God says it was Adam, the man – and not Eve, the woman – who disobeyed God in the Garden and was the cause of our exile from Paradise?
A book in which God says that he forgave Adam when Adam repented?
That says that God sent a messenger into the world whose mission it is to bring people out of all kinds of darkness into light?
That says that God sent a messenger into the world who is a mercy to all the worlds?
That says that God sent a messenger into the world who goes after good, beautiful, nice and pure things and makes them lawful for people, and who then goes after evil, bad and impure things and tries to keep people away from them by making them unlawful?
Did you know that in this book, in this most amazing Al-Qur’an, God says his mercy is for everyone and everything?
And that his punishment is limited to the ones he has good reason to punish?
In which God says that he will not allow even an iota of good anyone does to go unrewarded?
Did you know that this book abolished 1400 years ago what people today call “religion”?
That this book completely, irrevocably and forever abolished the role of clergy in human life?
Ask yourself when you ever read a book, from 1400 years ago, that introduces to the world an all new concept called “People”?
A book, from all those centuries ago, that uses that concept – “The People” – to stand for all human beings with no exceptions or exclusions whatsoever?
When did you last read such a book? Is that a question worth asking? Is that a question you should be asking yourself?
Because that is precisely what that book – the Al-Qur’an – did. It gave the world the concept of “The People” that included all of humanity without leaving out anyone – male or female; slave or free; old or young; white or black; king or commoner.
And then ask yourself when you last read a book which is from 1400 years ago and which contains a chapter whose beginning word is: Read – a common command to all of humanity; to all “The People.”
When did you ever read a book that is from 1400 years ago and in which God asks “The People” directly to worship him and pray to him?
A book from 1400 year ago in which God addresses people directly as “O People!”?
A book from 1400 years ago in which God uses the gender-neutral expression Annaas – The People – to refer to all of humanity and not “Mankind” the gendered, male-centered expression that the rest of the world uses?
A book from 1400 years ago in which God uses the gender-neutral expressions Annaas – The People – no less than 240 times?
A book from 1400 years ago which uses the gender-inclusive expression Al-Insaan – The Human – and not “The Man,” as did every other book until recently?
A book from 1400 years ago that uses that gender-inclusive expression Al-Insaan – The Human – no less than 65 times?
A book from 1400 years ago that uses the gender-inclusive expression Al-Ins for humanity – not “Mankind” – close to 20 times?
Did you ever read a book in which God tells Mary, mother of Jesus, God bless them both, that he had purified and exalted her above the rest of the world’s women?
In which God says that Jesus was like Adam (May Allah bless them both): God miraculously created both of them without a father?
In which God says that Jesus miraculously spoke to the elders of the community as an infant in the arms of his mother?
A book that is from 1400 years ago, and which provides a most insightful and sympathetic review of some of the most central figures and teachings of the Bible?
A book that is from 1400 years ago, and whose story of the Fall of Man completely exonerates the woman from blame?
Whose version of the Fall of Man completely absolves humanity from the burden of the Original Sin?
Which declares that no human being can be responsible for the doings of another human being?
Which sets Jews completely free of any guilt or culpability in the supposed crucifixion of Jesus, may God bless him.
When did you last read a book in which God says that he and his angels are continually blessing you?
A book that is read and recited at least 17 times a day, every day, by hundreds of millions of ordinary people around the world?
A book whose reading and recitation around the world goes on around the clock and does not ever stop?
A book that is committed to memory from cover to cover by hundreds of thousands of ordinary people around the world?
A book that is recited from memory, completely from cover to cover, in hundreds of thousands of mosques around the world during nightly prayers in the month of Ramadan?
A book that is widely read and recited on a daily basis by hundreds of millions of ordinary people around the world outside formal prayers?
That actually forms the basis for a great deal of belief and behavior for more than a billion Muslims around the world?
That has consistently been the predictor and lodestar of human progress in the world for the past 1400 years?
A book in line with whose teachings the world has been systematically changing for the past 1400 years?
A book that for the past 1400 years the rest of the world has been catching up to a little bit at a time?
A book that contains these and other equally amazing facts and yet which came out of the mouth of an          “Unlettered Man” – as the Bible calls him?
That claims that God sent this “Unlettered Man” to educate the world.
A book from 1400 years ago that talks about its being a “Book” – and yet the land where this book came from did not have any books, writings, schools or libraries?
A book from 1400 years ago, that talks about teaching the human being through the medium of “The Pen” – and yet the land where this book came from was famous as being the land of an “Unlettered People”?
Well, did you ever read a book like that? Do you even know that a book like that exists in reality? And it is none other than that book, the most glorious Al-Qur’an?
Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to pick up a copy of that book and read it – today?
Don’t you think we all do?