A Wakeup Call to the UPA Government

A Wakeup Call to the UPA Government

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August 13, 2022

The recent train accident in West Bengal should serve as a wakeup call to the UPA government, which has time and again failed to censure the Railway minister despite a series of avoidable train accidents, obviously owing to compulsions of coalition politics.  There is no gainsaying that Mamata Banerjee, in her pursuit to become the Chief Minister of West Bengal has grossly neglected her responsible portfolio at the Centre. Given the awesome technology nowadays, one fails to understand if it is difficult to automatically make a train stop when there is another on the same track?  It also makes one to doubt, whether the huge quantum of amount earmarked in the railway budgets every year for safety measures and upgrading of technology is being properly utilised?

Syed Sultan Mohiddin

Kadapa, A.P.