Against Islam and Muslims

Time and again, Muslims have wholeheartedly and unreservedly condemned violent attacks against innocent citizens, which result in loss of innocent lives and spread of fear and hatred in the society. It does not make any difference who is behind acts of violence – some communal parties, foreign agencies or some irresponsible persons from Muslim community…

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June 21, 2022

Time and again, Muslims have wholeheartedly and unreservedly condemned violent attacks against innocent citizens, which result in loss of innocent lives and spread of fear and hatred in the society. It does not make any difference who is behind acts of violence – some communal parties, foreign agencies or some irresponsible persons from Muslim community itself, violence has no place in a civilized society.

It is so because Islam categorically says that killing of one innocent person is equal to killing of entire humanity. Unfortunately an irresponsible section of media is creating the impression that Islam and Muslims are responsible for all acts of violence.

It is increasingly becoming clear that the so-called war on terror is nothing other than a war on Islam and Muslims. This fact is being accepted by fair-minded western commentators also. The egalitarian nature of Islamic message and its powerful appeal to the downtrodden, women and weaker sections has alarmed the anti-Islam forces and they have decided to equate Islam with violence and terrorism. In media you will come across terms like ‘Islamic terrorism’, ‘jehadi terrorism’ and ‘Islamist violence’, etc. Unfortunately certain sections of media are playing a very irresponsible role by putting every violent act in the account of Islam and Muslims. The same has been the case of recent bomb blasts in Bangalore and Ahmedabad. It is most unfortunate that our intelligence apparatus, in spite of crores and crores of rupees being spent on it, presents a picture of utter failure and inefficiency. Virtually they are clueless about the real perpetrators of terrorist violence and are not fit for the onerous job of providing security for citizens.

They had announced with great fanfare that SIMI had ganged up with some terrorist organisations and was behind most of the terror attacks. But the arrest of 13 top SIMI activists from Madhya Pradesh in May, including their former general secretary Safdar Nagori has revealed nothing. Now in low tones they are accepting that SIMI had nothing to do with Jaipur, Hyderabad and other blasts. Hindustan Times has recently written that it has in its possession a copy of investigation report of Safdar Nagori and it does not reveal anything criminal on his part. Our police used all legal and illegal methods, including degrading and debilitating narco-analysis tests against these innocent activists. Most of these former SIMI activists were subjected to worst type of mental and physical torture. But the police failed to find any incriminating evidence against them. Now they are red-faced, rather they should be black-faced as they had held SIMI responsible for almost all bomb blasts during last several years.

Muslim youths are still being interrogated, tortured and implicated indiscriminately. Therefore the Muslim leaders are making this demand that a high level enquiry commission should be constituted to investigate all cases of arbitrary arrests, inhuman tortures and baseless allegations. Besides, CBI should be entrusted with thorough investigation of all terror attacks as people have lost confidence in police machinery of states.

The irresponsible attitude and baseless speculations of media are giving the impression to common man that Muslims are responsible for all disruptive activities and acts of violence. It is further poisoning the atmosphere and spoiling social cohesion and communal harmony. Therefore a stop must be put to this demonisation of Islam and Muslims.