We declare, and rightly so, that Islam is the ultimate solution, best alternative and complete and comprehensive way of life. And so we have Islam that gives us the best social, political, economic and spiritual systems. What is less acknowledged however is that the same Islam is also the best philosophical and ideological alternative. A lucid philosophy without any complications, a simple ideology immune from contradictions! Here in our discussion of Islamic concept of history; we will analyse its intellectual and philosophical superiority to other conceptions (discussed at length in part one).
Your Lord said to angels: “Lo! I am about to place a vicegerent on earth,” (Al-Baqra: 30)
O people! Fear your Lord Who created you from a single being and out of it created its mate; and out of the two spread many men and women. (Al-Nisa: 1)
In the beginning mankind followed one single way. (Later on this state ended and differences arose.) Then Allah sent forth Prophets as heralds of good tidings for the righteous and as warners against the consequences of evil-doing. (Al-Baqra: 213)
These and numerous other verses of the Qur’ān specify the common origin of mankind. This is not a simple belief but a revolutionary concept that has far-reaching implications. It sweeps away the concept of evolution of man (Darwin) and advocates a purposeful creation of mankind. Also with a single stroke these verses destroy any conception of racial superiority and inferiority. Racism appears so ludicrous when all mankind can be traced to one father and mother and not to mouth, chest, thighs or feet of Brahma (as in manusmriti) or man of gold, of silver and of bronze (theorised by Plato) and other irrational concepts that men have generated to exploit each other.
It is logical then and is also conspicuous from the last quoted verse that at the outset mankind followed ‘one single way’ i.e. Islam. Later disputes were raised by those mischievous people who wanted more than their due. Prophets in different ages came to guide people to this very ‘one single way’. This common message of the prophets is highlighted at several places in the Qur’ān for e.g. Surah Araf verses 59, 65, 73, 85, etc. Here Islam refutes the law of three stages propounded by Comte according to which human mind and consciousness has evolved from Animism and passed through Polytheism to reach Monotheism; then comes The Metaphysical stage and finally The Positivist stage of scientism where humans don’t need religion or god.
Your Lord said to angels: “Lo! I am about to place a vicegerent on earth,”
To this angels expressed their confusion that a vicegerent (from the very word it is clear that he will possess some delegated authority) might create trouble and mischief on earth. But Allah knew what angels knew not. Then Allah gave Adam knowledge of all things (taught him names) and asked angels about these things of which they knew nothing unlike Adam. Afterwards…
We ordered the angels: “Prostrate yourselves before Adam,” (Al-Baqra: 30-34)
We offered the trust (burden of responsibilities) to the heavens and earth and the mountains, but they refused to carry it and were afraid of doing so; but man carried it. (Al-Ahzab: 72)
Allah’s proclamation that Adam (as a representative of mankind) will be His vicegerent on earth, the knowledge that Allah has bestowed on him, the prostration of angels before Adam and his unequivocal superiority to heavens and earth and mountains are all indicators that man is exalted in status and bearer of trust and responsibility and could not behave wantonly like other animals do with their instincts (as is the natural corollary of acceding to Darwin).
We initiated your creation, then We gave you each a shape, and then We said to the angels: “Prostrate yourselves before Adam.” They all prostrated themselves except Iblis…
Allah asked him the reason for disobedience to which Iblis arrogantly replied that he was created from fire ‘therefore’ superior to Adam who was created from clay. He was ordered banishment from paradise for the disobedience and then…
Satan replied: “Give me respite till the Day they shall be raised”. Allah said: “You are granted respite”. Satan said: “Since You have caused me to come to this end, I shall surely sit in ambush for them [humans] on Your Straight Path. Then I will come upon them from the front and from the rear, and from their right and from their left. And you will not find most of them thankful.” Allah said: “Go away from here – disgraced and banished. I shall fill the Hell with all those that follow you.” (Al-Araf: 11-18)
At another place in the Qur’ān Iblis is also quoted to have said at the moment.
Iblis said: “My Lord! In the manner you led me to error, I will make things on earth seem attractive to them [humans] and lead all of them to error….” Allah said: “… Over My true servants you will be able to exercise no power, your power will be confined to the erring ones, those who choose to follow you.” (Al-Hijr: 39-43)
Thus this struggle between the Adam and Iblis started. The struggle continued throughout the ages between demonic forces led by Iblis and the progeny of Adam. Rosy and deceptive promises, and seduction to pomp, leisure, sex and other instincts are the weapons of demonic forces. While human beings were assured of guidance through the prophets. Now they have no excuse that Satan had mingled truth with falsehoods and they could not distinguish between the two. The Qur’ān says:
Had We destroyed them through some calamity before his (prophet’s) coming, they would have said: “Our Lord! Why did you not send any messenger to us that we might have followed Your signs before being humbled and disgraced?” (Taha: 134)
When due to deceit by demonic forces truth was mingled up with falsehood, prophets came and purified it. All prophets brought the same religion though there are slight variations in laws as per the intellectual development of mankind at different ages.
He has prescribed for you the religion which He enjoined upon Noah and which We revealed to you (O Muhammad), and which We enjoined upon Abraham and Moses and Jesus, commanding: “Establish this religion and do not split regarding it.” (Al-Shura: 13)
When humanity reached its maturity level, Allah sent the final messenger prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) and made His book and teachings immune from forgery.
(Say, O’ Muhammad): “O people! I am Allah’s messenger to you all”. (Al-Araf: 158)
Most blessed is He Who sent down this Criterion on His servant, to be a warner to all mankind. (Al-Furqan: 1)
Indeed it is We Who have revealed it and it is indeed We Who are its guardians. (Al-Hijr: 9)
The Qur’ān describes various laws through which Allah governs the world and treats the people. In other words these are the laws through which history proceeds;
This has been Allah’s way with those who have gone before, and you shall find no change in Allah’s way. (Al-Ahzab: 62)
Your Lord would not destroy a town until He had sent to its centre a messenger who would recite to them Our verses. Nor would We destroy any town unless its inhabitants were iniquitous. (Al-Qasas: 59)
When We decide to destroy a town We command the affluent among them, whereupon they commit sins in it, then the decree (of chastisement) becomes due against them and thereafter We destroy the town utterly. (Bani-Israel: 16)
Verily Allah does not change a people’s condition unless they change their inner selves. (Al-Rad: 11)
And We made those persecuted inherit the eastern and western lands which We had blessed. Thus your Lord’s gracious promise was fulfilled to the children of Israel, for they had endured with patience; and We destroyed all that pharaoh and his people had wrought, and all that they had built. (Al-Araf: 137)
He makes men go through trials in order that He might purge the believers and blot out those who deny the truth. (Aal e Imran: 141)
Surely We wrote in Psalms, after the exhortation, that the earth shall be inherited by My righteous servants. (Al-Anbiya: 105)
Do people think that they will be let go merely by saying: “We believe” and that they will not be tested, for We indeed tested those who went before them. Allah will most certainly ascertain those who spoke the truth and those who lied. (Al-Ankabut: 2-3)
Nothing is without a purpose and Islam accords everything in life a purpose. The historical events that are mentioned in the Qur’ān and the way in which they are mentioned highlight the purpose of history in the light of Islam. It is important to note that the Qur’ān is not a book of history and so events in chronological order with minute details and names and places of characters are either not mentioned or not given importance to as they should have been given in a history textbook. Historical events are mentioned at some places in short, at other places in detail. The purpose of mentioning these events is not satiating the intellectual quest of the people who are reading them but to teach them morals.
Verily We have sent down for you revelations which clearly expounds true guidance, and examples of those who passed away before you, and an admonition for those who fear. (Al-Nur: 34)
Certainly in the stories of the bygone people there is a lesson for people of understanding. (Yusuf: 111)
Learn a lesson from this (events of battle of Banu Al-Nadir) O you who have perceptive eyes! (Al-Hashr: 2)
Say: “Go about through the earth and see what has been the end of the evil-doers”. (Al-Naml: 69)
(O Muhammad), We narrate these anecdotes of Messengers to you that We may strengthen your heart through them. In these anecdotes come to you the truth, and an exhortation, and a reminder for the believers. (Hud: 120)
A few such morals are as follows;
From the story of Talut (Saul) leading Bani-Israel in fight against the enemy (name of enemy is not mentioned as this does not add anything to the moral of the story) and killing of Jalut (Goliath) by Dawood: “How often has a small party prevailed against a large party by the leave of Allah” (Al-Baqarah: 249-251)
Surah Kahf discusses in detail about the people of Kahf emphasising the courage and love for the faith of some youths who sacrificed everything in the way of Allah. But despite mentioning the dispute over their actual number, the Qur’ān did not specify whether they were three, four, five or more because it was their courage and not their numbers that mattered most.
In Surah Baqarah Prophet Ibrahim is mentioned arguing with a king (name not mentioned). The morals include how a Muslim should debate in the best way without giving the opponent an opportunity to quarrel and how some people who are bent upon ignorance avoid accepting the most manifest of truths.
Impartiality is essential for a historian. But a human being despite his best efforts cannot be impartial cent per cent. Parameters of rights and wrongs vary for different individual historians. One interpretation is contradicted by another speculation and none has conception of truth in truest sense of the term but mere conjecture. Theories of Darwin, Marx, Hobbes and Comte regarding origin and evolution of man and society can be cited as examples of such guesswork. Was Darwin present when amoeba was evolved into man? Has Marx witnessed the age of primitive communism? Who told Hobbes about the state of nature? Did Comte witness with his own eyes that earliest religion was animism? This confidence about history and especially about the so-called dark ages (where there was no history) can only be found with a narrator who not only witnessed all those happenings but is also creator and initiator of those happenings. Telling Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) about the stories of past, the Qur’ān often clarifies;
(O Muhammad), We reveal to you this account from a realm which lies beyond the reach of your perception for you were not with them when they drew lots with their pens about who should be Mary’s guardian, and you were not with them when they disputed about it. (Aal e Imran: 44)
(O Muhammad), by revealing the Qur’ān to you We narrate to you in the best manner the stories of the past although before this narration you were utterly unaware of them. (Yusuf: 3)
(O Muhammad), this is part of news from the unseen that We reveal to you for you were not present with them when Yusuf’s brothers jointly resolved on a plot. (Yusuf: 102)
Even regarding future the question can be asked how Marx could envisage that utopia of communism will ever be achieved and that will be the end of history? Likewise how Fukuyama reached the conclusion that we have already reached the end of history? It is even more obvious that a realistic vision and prediction of the future can only be given by one who is omniscient.
Islam talks about future in the light of this divine guidance. As earlier said, history as per Islam is the recording of constant struggle between forces of righteousness and forces of evil in other words between Islam and jahilliya. What will be the result of this endeavour? A Muslim believes in the day of judgement and that good people will be rewarded with everlasting life in paradise while evil ones would be thrown into hell. But what will be the outcome of this struggle in this very world? This is an interesting and relevant question of history (as history is not only related to the events of past but also to the vision of future). The answer that Islam provides is summarised as follows:
A hadīth of the Prophet goes like this:
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: Islam initiated as something strange, and it would revert to its (old position) of being strange. So good tidings for the strangers. (Sahih Muslim)
This narration epitomises the history since the Prophet’s proclamation of truth over 1400 years ago and today. Islam began as a strange thing; then under the leadership of the Prophet it attained the zenith of power and glory. The semblance of power and dominance was evident until the last century though it was a mere shadow of itself. Today there is darkness all around. Invasion of what Syed Qutb has referred to as modern jahilliya has invaded all the aspects of life with such vigour that rational and humane concepts of Islam are objects of ridicule (veil and corporal punishment are just crude examples).
In this hour of trial, according to the Prophet, the strangers who stick to Islam and to the duty of enjoining what is good and prohibiting what is evil and never hesitate to face the odds in the way are blessed by God.
The story ahead is told in different Ahaadith about end of the world and final war between Islam and jahilliya in which Islam will emerge victorious and that caliphate on the pattern of prophethood will be established. According to sunnat or ways of Allah too, one can conclude that this defeat and humiliation of truth (Islam) is temporary and due to believers’ own negligence and misdeeds. But Islam has not come to be humiliated; if Muslims fail to discharge their responsibilities, it will only be at their own peril.
If you turn away, He will replace you by a people other than you, and they will not be like you. (Muhammad: 38)
The Qur’ān assures the faithful:
Do not, then, lose heart or grieve: for you shall surely gain the upper hand (victory) if you are indeed (true) believers. (Aal e Imran: 139)
Surely We wrote in Psalms, after the exhortation, that the earth shall be inherited by My righteous servants. (Al-Anbiya: 105)
They seek to extinguish the light of Allah by blowing through their mouths; but Allah refuses everything except that He will perfect His light howsoever the unbelievers may abhor it. He it is Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the true religion that He may make it prevail over all religions, howsoever those who associate others with Allah in His divinity might detest it. (Al-Taubah: 32-33)
Allah has promised those of you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will surely bestow power on them in the land even as He bestowed power on those that preceded them, and that He will firmly establish their religion which He has been pleased to choose for them, and He will replace with security the state of fear they are in. Let them serve Me in My divinity. Whoso thereafter engages in unbelief, such indeed are the ungodly. (Al-Nur: 55)
But surely there are rules and ways of Allah that do not change. O’ my Muslim brothers! The final victory will not be offered to you on a platter. Only saying ‘We believe’ is not enough. First: You have to play the role of ‘strangers’ and face the trials and tribulations on the way. It’s up to you to imbibe the qualities of the righteous, strive in Allah’s cause and establish His rule on earth.
The history is witness that the future is yours!