Dr. Riaz Ahmad, Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University has been conferred upon the Shiksha Rattan Puraskar by the prestigious India International Friendship Society (IIFS). The award carries a certificate of excellence and a Memento as the token of appreciation for the meritorious services, outstanding performance and remarkable contributions of Dr. Riaz Ahmad in the area of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics. Specifically, his new research on the discovery and efficacy of a phytoextmcts in healing and reversing the process of hepatic fibrosis is recognised with great appreciation. The award was presented to him by Dr. Iqbal Singh, Lt. Governor of Puducherry and Former Election Commissioner, Shri. G.V.G. Krishna Murthy in a ceremonial function on the occasion of a seminar on “Role of Education in Modern India” at Dy. Speaker Hall, Constitution Club, New Delhi. Dr. Ahmad is also a recipient of prestigious Dr. D. S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowship from UGC, Young Scientist Project of DST, Scientist of the Year Award-2009 by the National Environmental Science Academy and Young Scientist Award from CST, UP. A number of research papers published in different scientific journals of national and international repute are to his name.
Dr. Riaz Ahmad, Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University has been conferred upon the Shiksha Rattan Puraskar by the prestigious India International Friendship Society (IIFS).