The University efforts to translate into reality the broad conceptual framework for the AMU Special Centres at Malappuram and Murshidabad received further fillip. In a preparatory meeting with EdCIL expert committee held at EdCIL headquarters, Noida to evolve a holistic Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR), AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis set in motion conceptualisation of a new vision for establishing a Greenfield energy saving, modern state-of-the-art education edifices that truly meets an amalgam of local aspirations with that of global demands.
While unfolding the broad spectrum of multi phased development strategy, Prof. Azis said that by June next year AMU Centres would be likely to move into their new campuses at Malappuram and Murshidabad. MBA and BALLB will be on the agenda of first phase along with temporary 120 seats hostel, classrooms and staff quarters and other paraphernalia. The Vice Chancellor has asked the EdCIL to design buildings in the regional campuses that should converge into top class elements with Greenfield and electronic security with E-managed systems in place.
Prof. Azis emphasised the need for an accelerated ‘take off’ for the second phase including introduction of courses like B. Tech. in Marine, Ship Building, Rubber and Polymer, Nuclear, Biomedical, Computer, Fuel Technology, Dairy Technology, Safety and Fire Engineering, B. Pharma, M. Pharma, Mining, Jute Technology, Boys Polytechnic and a Polytechnic for girls and other engineering and technology based programmes.
As part of medical faculty, Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis suggested MBBS, BDS, B.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. Physiotherapy, Clinical Biochemistry, Para-medical Courses, Diploma in Medical Transcription, etc. The other academic schemes that figured include a Centre for Languages for teaching BA in Urdu, English, Arabic, Hindi, Malayalam, etc. and Basic sciences such as B.Sc. in Maths, Physics, Astro-Physics, Bio-Physics, Chemistry, Environment, Geology and Bio-sciences and P. G. Diploma in Remote Sensing.
A number of Mass Communication courses received a priority including M.Sc. in Electronic Media, P.G. Diploma in Television Production, PG Diploma in Corporate Communication and Event Management, Diploma in Web Journalism, Videography and Video Editing, Documentary and Corporate Film Making. Teachers Training Programmes such as B.Ed., Elementary Teachers Training, Commerce Faculty Programmes, Master of Finance and Control, Master of Banking, Insurance and Risk Management, P.G. Diploma in Computerised Accounting were also asked to be taken up in the second phase.
Similarly, in the second phase B.Sc. in Horticulture, B.Sc. in Fisheries, B.Sc. in Animal Husbandry also received a distinct place.
While emphasising the need for women education, Prof. Azis has asked the EdCIL to accord topmost priority to women education in the second phase including a state-of-the-art Women’s College offering diverse courses of substantial value including in Home Science.
The AMU Vice Chancellor emphasised the need of state-of-the-art ICT facility, Central Instrumentation facilities and a central computing facility and a fully equipped central lab, all manned by highly qualified professional technicians and staff.
Prof. Azis has informed that Kerala Government is making all efforts and will be handing over the rest of the land by the end of July this year. The West Bengal Government has also made headway in this direction and deposited the required amount in the Water Resource Ministry so that the Farakka Barage land is transferred to AMU soon to enable it set up its Murshidabad Regional Centre. He informed that the University has already posted its OSD and an Assistant Registrar at Perinthalmanna to coordinate and expedite the work of Malappuram Regional Centre. The OSD designated for Murshidabad Regional Centre will be reaching soon to coordinate and speed up the process so that both MBA and BALLB will commence in the current academic session.
The AMU team that participated in the deliberations included Prof. M. Saleemuddin, former Pro-Vice Chancellor of AMU and Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, Prof. V.K. Abdul Jaleel, Registrar, Mrs. Yasmin Jalal, Finance Officer, Prof. Pervez Mustajab, Controller of Examinations, Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, OSD Development, Prof. Ekram Husain, Principal, Z.H. College of Engineering and Technology, Prof. Javed Akhtar, Dean, Faculty of Management and Prof. N.A.K. Durrani, Media Advisor.
The EdCIL team headed by Mr. K.V.L. Narasimhan, Director (Corporate Planning), some of whom had visited Malappuram Regional campus site of AMU have expressed great satisfaction on getting a single plot of land of over 250 acres in Malappuram. They were very much impressed of the location and felt the site quite suitable for the kind of academic institution envisioned by AMU.
The other EdCIL team members who took part in the DFR preparatory meeting includes Prof. G. D. Sharma, President, Society for Education and Economic Development, Prof. Najma Akhtar, Head, Department of Educational Administration, NUEPA, Mr. Kunal Mathur, Partner-Architect, Prof. Sanjeev Parasher, Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, Mr. I. S. Sidhu, Chief General Manager (Civil and Procurement), EdCIL, Mr. Gaurav Jaswal, Senior Executive, EdCIL and Mr. Binod Doley, Head (Technical Assistance), EdCIL.
Mr. Mathur, Partner Architect suggested captive power and micro plants of 4 mega watt power. In order to keep a watch on the on-site resources, he suggested bi-monthly satellite imaging. For any project beyond 100 acres of land environmental study and the details of the project impact needs to be advertised for public scrutiny, for getting clearance from the Environment Ministry, he pointed out.
The EdCIL briefed the AMU core group present on various dimensions including the fact that the DFR and DPR need to be cleared by a host of state and central government agencies including Law, HRD and Environment Ministries.
The EdCIL further agreed to provide site DFR that includes broad cost estimates, broad framework of courses and academic programmes including intakes, HR components such as teachers, staff and students and infrastructure details required for setting up a Greenfield campus of world class dimension. The DFR will also produce the details of various options and model such as unit model, autonomous model like mentor and guide policymaking relationship model and independent model for facilitating linkage between AMU and its regional centres.
The EdCIL has agreed to submit DFR by July 31, 2010 to the University and after receiving the response will prepare and finally submit Detailed Project Report (DPR) by August 30, 2010.
Ms. Anju Benerjee, Managing Director of EdCIL also joined the deliberations and said that despite the pressure of haste EdCIL is ready to take up the challenging task of an enduring partnership with AMU in building state-of-the-art academic facilities especially to benefit the excluded social class.