The New Delhi based Association for Protection of Civil Rights (APCR) has strongly condemned the killing of unarmed protestors in police firing in the Kashmir valley.
“In the past 10 weeks more than 55 Kashmiris, mostly youth, have lost their lives at the hands of the armed personnel. More than 200 people have also been injured, some of them critically. The policy of bullets for brickbats is inhuman and totally unacceptable in a state that calls itself a democracy. The large number of civilian deaths due to police and armed forces’ action is highly deplorable,” said APCR Secretary General Prof. K.A. Siddique Hassan in a statement on August 20.
The APCR felt that the current wave of public anger is due to the misguided policies of the government and the excesses committed against the people.
The APCR statement said inter alia: “The public outrage is against the killing of innocent persons, disappearance of a large number of youths, encounter killing in the name of countering terrorism, continuous presence of army and security forces in civilian areas, prolonged curfews, indiscriminate searches and crackdowns, road blockade in the name of security and thousands of rapes of Kashmiri women by security forces. In the past 20 years more than 70,000 Kashmiris have been killed by the security personnel. Thousands of women have been raped by the security forces. A recent fact finding report exposed the existence of mass graves where more than 30,000 bodies were buried. Had the government policy been to punish the guilty security personnel perpetrating these crimes instead of protecting them by subverting the course of justice, people in such large numbers would have not risen in the unarmed revolt to which we are a witness today. Even the Government accepts that there are not more than 500 militants in the valley, but still more than eight lakh army personnel are deployed making it the most militarised zone in the world. Besides, draconian laws like AFSPA have invested unlimited power and complete impunity to the army.
“It is well known, the crisis in Kashmir is not new. It has its roots in the past and it needs to be resolved in a realistic manner through dialogue. To begin with, the use of force against unarmed people should stop immediately. Firing in response to stone throwing is not justified. Unconditional talks with all groups of people should be initiated.”
The APCR urged the government both at the Centre and in the State to protect the life and liberty of the innocent persons rather than of those who are guilty of unjustifiably killing them in fake encounters, mysterious disappearances and through the unacceptable practice of bullets for brickbats. It is only by guaranteeing the rule of law, respecting the human rights and commitment to fair play and justice that lasting peace can be ensured. Repression is bound to further alienate the people and lead to more unrest.
The APCR also strongly urged that the armed forces be withdrawn from the civilian areas. The ongoing series of curfew, roadblocks, house raids and indiscriminate arrests should end. The draconian laws should be revoked and human rights violations should stop.