Delivering the keynote address in the inaugural session of the two-day international symposium on “Free Radicals in Health and Disease”, Professor Elisabeth Dendle from Munich, Germany said that arteriogenesis is the only natural way to compensate the loss of an artery. Upon occulsion of an artery the blood flow is redirected into pre existing arteriolar anastomoses, which thereupon starts to grow.
She pointed out that the main trigger for collateral artery growth is the increased fluid shear stress experienced by the endothelial cell layer of the pre existing arteriokes. However, nitric oxide is known to be anti-proliferative to vascular smooth muscle cells.
While presiding over the inaugural session AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis said that the theme of the symposium is most appropriate in the present scenario when the radicals are just beginning to be recognized as important agents for induction of various diseases including Cancer. The field of health research must become translatable into products and strategies not only to reduce human mortality and morbidity rate but also substantially enhancing life span and quality of life. He hoped that the symposium shall go a long way in encouraging our research scholars to achieve greater heights of academic accomplishment.
Prof. Azis appreciated the efforts of the Department of Biochemistry in the field of research and said that the products of this department are doing well in USA and other countries. He urged the researchers to register their patents.
Prof. Hari S. Sharma of Netherland said that he is an alumnus of this institution and did his M. Sc. in Biochemistry. He has presented a paper on Recent Advances in Genomics and i-Gene Thalysis” and said that now the modern genomic and bioinformative techniques can be used in biomedical research.
In his welcome address Professor Masood Ahmad, Organising Secretary of the Symposium said that the faculty members of this department have published more than forty quality papers in year 2008 and also have taken up the first batch of M. Sc. in Enzyme and Fermentation Technology. Due to impressive track record this department has been selected for special funding from both the UGC and DST under their DRS and FIST programmes.