An article on the above subject written by Dr. Syed Ahmed appeared in Radiance Viewsweekly (25-31 May, 2008). The article is not written on the basis of facts and figures. The very picture published in your Weekly: “Assamese Muslims carrying a sick person” is the real picture of the migrant Muslims and not the indigenous Muslims. This may be considered an open challenge. Further, I want to mention some points for the broad-minded people.
Assamese Muslims on the Move to Assert Their Identity
An article on the above subject written by Dr. Syed Ahmed appeared in Radiance Viewsweekly (25-31 May, 2008). The article is not written on the basis of facts and figures. The very picture published in your Weekly: “Assamese Muslims carrying a sick person” is the real picture of the migrant Muslims and not the indigenous Muslims. This…

As Dr. Ahmed wrote, 900 Muslims were taken as prisoners by the Assam rulers in 1532, and their original place was Gaur, Muslim capital of Bengal. Now their total number is 35 lakhs, including some converted people. Is it not a magic figure? On the other hand the rest of the total Muslim population i.e. 47 lakhs are migrant Muslims and they are the deciding factors in at least 30 Assembly constituencies. These 47 lakhs include Urdu speaking and other Muslims also. These Muslims had come from East Bengal and they have been named as migrants, and the captive Muslims (now called Garia-Maria having OBC status given by the Govt. of Assam) became indigenous Muslims.
These migrant Muslims are Bengali-speaking but they have declared themselves as Assamese in the census and as a result the state language of Assam is Assamese. Had they not declared themselves as Assamese in the census, the history of state language of Assam would have been changed. All the educational institutions are in Assamese medium in migrant Muslim areas. The role of these people during the language disturbances in Assam can never be forgotten. This vital point has been overlooked by Dr. Ahmed although he has mentioned that the indigenous Muslims had played significant roles at several crucial moments.
Dr. Ahmed claimed that the community had produced numerous prominent figures like Fakharuddin Ali Ahmed, Ex. President of India. Dr. Ahmed has forgotten that Late Ali Ahmed (Urdu-speaking Muslim) started his political carrier from Jania Assembly constituency in Barpeta District which is completely dominated by the migrant Muslims. He was the most powerful cabinet minister in Assam. He was also elected M.P. from Barpeta Constituency which was also dominated by migrant Muslims. He was also holding powerful portfolio in the Union Cabinet. Thereafter he was elected President of India.
On the other hand, Syeda Anwara Taimur, an indigenous Muslim of Jorhat Town of Upper Assam, started her political carrier from Dalgaon Assembly constituency, in Darrang District, which is also completely dominated by migrant Muslims. She was holding powerful ministry and she was also ex. Chief Minister of Assam. Now I want to challenge Dr. Ahmed to mention any development works done by these two indigenous Muslim figures in their own constituencies, either in the field of road, electricity, technical, educational institutes, industries etc. etc . Late Ali Ahmed had proposed for an alternative National Highway from North Salmara to Amingaon (Guwahati) via Jania, Barpeta. This proposal is hanging in the air for years together and there is no possibility for the construction of this NH because it will pass through Jania constituency and the benefit will be for the migrant Muslims mainly.
Actually there is no sincere, dedicated, and duty bound leader for the migrant Muslims for the settlement of their socio-economic problems. Hundreds of bighas of cultivated land and villages had been eroded. Now they are landless, homeless and moving from town to town in search of livelihood. On the other hand, there are lot of leaders who are exploiting these community only for the vote bank. The socio-economic conditions of the migrant Muslims are going from bad to worse day by day.
Lastly I invite Dr. Syed Ahmed to come forward to solve the problems of the community as a whole instead of playing divide and rule policy which will ruin both the communities.