Recently President of India Smt. Pratibha Patil in her capacity of the visitor of the Aligarh Muslim University asked for facts from the University in view of contradictory representations received by her in favour of and against the Vice Chancellor, Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis. AMU Registrar Prof. P.K. Abdul Jaleel issued notices to concerned departments to submit the required information so that it may be forwarded to the visitor within the time limit. This development and that too during the Vice-Chancellorship of a man who has successfully sailed out the sinking ship of AMU has shocked not only the AMU community but Muslim masses of India.
While taking any decision, President of India, Mrs. Pratibha Patil must consider certain facts which speak volumes of conspiracies hatched against Prof. Azis from day one. When he was appointed Vice Chancellor of AMU in June 2007 there was a section within the AMU community, which did not digested it well. Soon after Prof. Azis took over office of the Vice-Chancellor, rowdy elements set ablaze important buildings of the University which included VC. Lodge and Staff Club.
Prof. Azis was forced to declare the University closed sine die. He embarked upon rebuilding the institution without victimising anyone. But it is the history of AMU that internal politics has always damaged its prestige. A group engaged itself in mud-slugging rather than cooperating with the Vice-Chancellor who turned a violent campus into an academic centre within a short span of time.
It is very difficult to reform any society or institution. The same happened with AMU. Prof. Azis imposed strict discipline among teachers and students both. He made 75 per cent attendance compulsory which forced students to be present in classrooms most of the time. During the same period, he signed Memorandum of Understanding with several foreign universities.
In short, Prof. Azis succeeded in changing total atmosphere of the campus in a positive direction of academic excellence. But he faulted on some points. He did not oblige well established persons who have always held AMU to ransom. He did not illegally admit students. Thus he became roadblock in the way of powerful contract and land mafia. He failed in obliging politicians. He did not indulge in creating a lobby for himself. All these things annoyed those who have always ruled over AMU. This is the background of allegations made against a gentle and functional Vice Chancellor.
Those who are making allegations against the Vice Chancellor forget that what is at stake is not prestige of Prof. Azis but the historical image of AMU. In fact AMU has never been a mere educational institution as the founder of the institution never wished it to be like an ordinary institution. He wanted it to be a seat of learning and culture of truly national importance. But in yesteryears AMU deviated from the chosen path. Prof. Azis has credit to bring the lost glory back to the University and the proof is that a large number of students have been selected in prestigious examinations like NET and GATE whereas campus placement has received new zeniths.
Recent developments and misleading reports in media about inquiries against the Vice-Chancellor are sending negative signals among Muslim masses about intentions of the UPA government, of which Congress is the dominating partner. One of the factors is involvement of a former Congress M.P. who is also member of the Executive Council. People recall that it was a Congress government which passed an Ordinance and later an Act of 1965 for taking over the AMU administration to be run as a department of the Government of India. This was the first onslaught by Congress on the AMU. Muslim masses of India apprehend a second onslaught by the same Congress.
It is the election time and the Ministry of HRD should take careful steps otherwise sentimental attachment of the Muslims to the University may explode against the Congress. The Vice Chancellor is the symbol of the University and any mud-slugging by anyone will be treated as an attack on the University itself. The Congress high command must take note of the fact that its own people are working against the interest of the university. It’s a ticklish issue and must be pondered over by those who formulate policies within Congress.
Drawing room politicians of Congress like a former Rajya Sabha member are carrying on a vendetta against the Vice-Chancellor and seeking action against him on fictitious grounds by any means, fair or foul. What is at stake, however, is not the fate of a particular individual but the autonomy of the AMU and the future of higher education of Muslims in India.
While taking any step, the Ministry of HRD must keep in mind that as soon as the Vice-Chancellor took over, a group with vested interests ganged up to harass him, fearing that their hidden agenda will be grounded. Any wrong decision by the government will be treated as an attack on autonomy of the University. And be sure that erosion of autonomy will convert AMU into a political field causing irreparable damage to the education system evolved by Sir Syed.