
ḳhirad-mandoñ se kyāpūchhūñ ki merīibtidākyāhai ki maiñ is fikrmeñrahtāhuuñmerīintihākyāhai

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ḳhirad-mandoñ se kyāpūchhūñ ki merīibtidākyāhai

ki maiñ is fikrmeñrahtāhuuñmerīintihākyāhai


What should I ask the sages about my origin:

I am always wanting to know my goal.


ḳhudī ko karbulanditnā ki hartaqdīr se pahle

ḳhudābande se ḳhudpūchhebatāterīrazākyāhai


Develop the self so that before every decree

God will ascertain from you: “What is your wish?”


maqām-e-guftugūkyāhai agar maiñkīmiyā-gar huuñ

yahī soz-e-nafashai aur merīkīmiyākyāhai


It is nothing to talk about if I transform base selves into gold:

The passion of my voice is the only alchemy I know!


nazaraa.iiñmujhetaqdīrkīgahrā.iyāñ is meñ

na pūchh ai ham-nashīñmujh se vochashm-e-surma-sākyāhai


O Comrade, I beheld the secrets of Destiny in them—

What should I tell you of those lustrous eyes!


agar hotāvomajzūb-e-farañgī is zamānemeñ

to ‘iqbāl’ us ko samjhātāmaqām-e-kibriyākyāhai


Only if that majzub1 of the West were living in these times,

Iqbal could have explained to him the ‘I am.’


navā-e-sub.h-gāhī ne jigarḳhuuñkardiyāmerā

ḳhudāyājisḳhatākī ye sazāhaivoḳha


My heart bleeds from the song of the early morning:

O Lord! What is the sin for which this is a punishment?

