
mujheāh-o-fuġhān-e-nīm-shabkāphirpayāmaayā tham ai rah-rau ki shāyadphirkoīmushkilmaqāmaayā

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tham ai rah-rau ki shāyadphirkoīmushkilmaqāmaayā


Once more I feel the urge to wail and weep at dead of night:

O traveller, stop a bit, perchance I face some awful site.



ki is jañgāh se maiñ ban keteġh-e-be-niyāmaayā


Awhile in dark abyss of Fate Dive and see beneath:

Out of this battlefield I come like sword out of the sheath.


ye misrālikhdiyākisshoḳh ne mehrāb-e-masjid par

ye nādāñgirga.esajdoñmeñ jab vaqt-e-qayāmaayā


This verse some man with witty mind on niche of mosque did write:

These fools fell prostrate on the earth, When it was time to fight.”


chal ai merīġharībīkātamāshādekhnevaale

vomahfiluThga.ījis dam to mujhtakdaur-e-jāmaayā


O man, who at my misery scoff, Follow the road you tread:

When the cup to me was passed, The gathering all had fled.


diyā‘iqbāl’ ne hindīmusalmānoñ ko soz apnā

ye ikmard-e-tan-āsāñthā tan-āsānoñkekaamaayā


Iqbal his glow to Muslims lent, Who in India dwell:

An easy‐going man he was and served the sluggards well.



baḌīmuddatke āḳhirvoshāhīñzer-e-dām


To find Iqbal for years on end I did chafe and fret:

By effort great that kingly hawk has come within my net.

