
sitāroñ se aagejahāñ aur bhīhaiñ abhīishqkeimtihāñ aur bhīhaiñ

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sitāroñ se aagejahāñ aur bhīhaiñ

abhīishqkeimtihāñ aur bhīhaiñ


Other worlds exist beyond the stars—

More tests of love are still to come.


tahīzindagī se nahīñ ye fazā.eñ

yahāñsaikḌoñkārvāñ aur bhīhaiñ


This vast space does not lack life—

Hundreds of other caravans are here.


qanā.at na karālam-e-rañg-o-bū par

chaman aur bhīāshiyāñ aur bhīhaiñ


Do not be content with the world of color and smell,

Other gardens there are, other nests, too.


agar khogayāiknasheman to kyāġham

maqāmāt-e-āh-o-fuġhāñ aur bhīhaiñ


What is the worry if one nest is lost?

There are other places to sigh and cry for!



tire sāmneāsmāñ aur bhīhaiñ


You are an eagle, flight is your vocation:

You have other skies stretching out before you.


isīroz o shabmeñulajhkar na rah jā

ki terezamān o makāñ aur bhīhaiñ


Do not let mere day and night ensnare you,

Other times and places belong to you.


ga.e din ki tanhāthāmaiñanjumanmeñ

yahāñ ab mire rāz-dāñ aur bhīhaiñ


Gone are the days when I was alone in company—

Many here are my confidants now.







The West seeks to make life a perpetual feast;

A wish in vain, in vain, in vain!


pīr-e-haram ne kahā sun kemerīrūedād

puḳhtahaiterīfuġhāñ ab na isedilmeñthaam


Aware of my state, my spiritual guide assures me,

Thy ecstasy has reached the plenitude of its power.


thāarinī go kalīmmaiñarinī go nahīñ

us ko taqāzāravāmujh pe taqāzāharām


Moses asked for a Divine glimpse, but I do not:

The demand was right for him; but is forbidden for me.


garchehaiifshā-e-rāz ahl-e-nazarkīfuġhāñ



The plaint of the Men of God betrays (opens) a suppressed secret;

But the ways of the Men of God are not meant for all.


halqa-e-sūfīmeñ zikr be-nam o be-soz-o-sāz



Zikr in the Sufis’ circle was devoid of ecstasy,

I remained unsatisfied, and so was everyone.





Love is thy goal, and mine, too, but both

Are so far novices on the path of love.


aah ki khoyāgayātujh se faqīrīkāraaz

varna haimāl-e-faqīrsaltanat-e-rūm-o-shām


Alas! Thou hast betrayed the secret of a fakir,

Though a fakir has wealth more than a king of men.

