Bal-e-Jibril-062 & 063

ḳhudīhoilm se mohkam to ġhairat-e-Jibrīl agar hoishq se mohkam to sūr-e-Isrāfīl

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ḳhudīhoilm se mohkam to ġhairat-e-Jibrīl

agar hoishq se mohkam to sūr-e-Isrāfīl


If self with knowledge strong becomes, Gabriel it can envious make:

If fortified with passion great, Like trump of Israfil can shake.


azāb-e-dānish-e-hāzir se bā-ḳhabarhuuñmaiñ

ki maiñ is aagmeñDaalāgayāhuuñmisl-e-ḳhalīl


The scourge of present science and thought, To me, no doubt, is fully known,

Like Abraham, the Friend of God, In its flame I have been thrown.


fareb-ḳhurda-e-manzil haikārvāñ varna

ziyādarāhat-e-manzil se hainashāt-e-rahīl


The caravan in quest of goal by charm of lodge is led astray,

Though never can the ease of lodge be same as joy to be on way.


nazarnahīñ to mire halqa-e-suḳhanmeñ na baiTh

ki nukta-hā-e-ḳhudīhaiñmisāl-e-teġh-e-asīl


If seeing eye you do not own, Among my listeners do not pause,

For subtle points about the self, Like sword, deep yawning wounds can cause.





Still to mind I can recall, In Europe what I learnt by heart:

But can the veil of Reason match with joy that Presence can import.


añdherīshabhaijudāapneqāfile se haitū

tire liyehaimirā shola-e-navāqindīl


From caravan you are adrift, and night has donned a mantle black:

For you my song that burns as flame, like a torch, can light the track.


ġharīb o saada o rañgīñhaidāstān-e-haram

nihāyat is kī Husain ibtidāhaiIsmā.īl


The tale of the Holy Shrine, if told, is simple, strange and red in hue:

With Ismail (A.S.) the tale begins ends with Husain (R.A.), the martyr true.






The schools bestow no grace of fancy fine,

Cloisters impart no glow of Love Divine.



koī is qāfilemeñqāfila-sālārbhīhai


The goal that Travellers seek is far and wide,

Alas! There is no chief to lead and guide.


baḌhkeḳhaibar se hai ye mārka-e-dīn-o-vatan

is zamānemeñkoīhaidar-e-karrārbhīhai


No less than Khyber, the war of faith and land,

But warrior like Ali (R.A.) is not at hand.


ilmkī had se pare banda-e-mominkeliye



Beyond the bounds of science for faithful thrall

Is bliss of love and sight of God withal.


pīr-e-mai-ḳhāna ye kahtāhai ki aivān-e-farañg



The chief of tavern thinks that West has raised

The house on shaking founds, whose walls are glazed.

