Bal-e-Jibril-068 and 069

na taḳht-o-tājmeñ ne lashkar-o-sipāhmeñhai jo baatmard-e-qalandar kībārgāhmeñhai

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na taḳht-o-tājmeñ ne lashkar-o-sipāhmeñhai

jo baatmard-e-qalandar kībārgāhmeñhai


A monarch’s pomp and mighty arms can never give such glee,

As can be felt in presence of a Qalandar bold and free.


sanam-kadahaijahāñ aur mard-e-haqhaiḳhalīl

ye nuktavohai ki poshīdalā-ilāhmeñhai


The world is like an idol house, God’s Friend, a person free:

No doubt, this subtle point is hid In words, No god but He.


vahījahāñhaitirājis ko tūkarepaidā

ye sañg-o-ḳhishtnahīñ jo tirīnigāhmeñhai


The world that you with effort make to you belongs alone:

The world of brick and stone you see, You cannot call your own.


mah o sitāra se aagemaqāmhaijiskā



The clay‐made man is still among the vagrants on the road,

Though man beyond the moon and stars can find his true abode.


ḳhabarmilīhaiḳhudāyān-e-bahr-o-bar se mujhe



This news I have received from those who rule the sea and land,

That Europe lies on course of flood ’Gainst which no one can stand.


talāsh us kīfazāoñmeñkarnasībapnā



A world there is quite fresh and new in sighs at morn I have:

Your portion seek within its tracts, Thus goal and aim achieve.


mire kadū ko ġhanīmatsamajh ki bāda-e-nāb

na madrasemeñhaibaaqī na ḳhānqāhmeñhai


Count my gourd an immense gain, for pure and sparkling wine

No more the seats of learning store nor sells the Sacred Shrine.




fitrat ne na baḳhshāmujheandesha-e-chālāk



On me no subtle brain though Nature spent,

My dust hides strength to dare the high ascent—


voḳhaak ki haijiskājunūñsaiqal-e-idrāk

voḳhaak ki jibrīlkīhaijis se qabāchaak


That frantic dust whose eye outranges reason,

Dust by whose madness Gabriel’s rose is rent;


voḳhaak ki parvā-e-nashemannahīñrakhtī

chuntīnahīñpahnā-e-chaman se ḳhas o ḳhāshāk


That will not creep about its garden gathering

Straw for a nest—un‐housed and yet content.


is ḳhaak ko Allāhne baḳhshehaiñvoaañsū

kartīhaichamakjinkīsitāroñ ko araq-nāk


And Allah to this dust a gift of tears

Whose brightness shames the constellations, lent.

