From June 1st the mandatory pictorial warning, on all tobacco products like cigarettes, beedies and chewable items, that they would lead to cancer, has become effective. This should be welcomed by all those who feel concerned about the physical health of the nation though it may be disliked by those for whom money making is important even at the cost of public health.
In this regard the strenuous efforts of our former Union Health Minister Dr. Ambumani Ramadoss must be appreciated for he left no stone unturned and fought with both hands to use law and restrict use of tobacco in India. When he mooted the idea of compulsory printing of warning on packets of tobacco products that use of tobacco may cause cancer or even death, he was opposed tooth and nail not only by cigarette manufacturers and their cohorts but strangely, but not unexpectedly, by their highly placed political beneficiaries also. It is on record that a considerable number of MPs and even some honourable chief ministers pleaded with him not to interfere with the interests of manufacturers of cigarette and other products.
It is heartening that his sincere efforts bore fruit and we are now in a position to take this positive step in the direction of discouraging use of tobacco.
Before this some States banned smoking in public places. Surveys reveal that this measure has brought down smoking to some extent and reduced the use of cigarettes and beedies. But still we see a large number of people smoking on roads, public places and even on crowded stations and moving trains. This brings home the fact that no government is able to police its entire population. Therefore it is imperative that public consciousness be awakened to fight this health hazard and all other social and moral evils.
Unesco estimates that annually a staggering amount of 400 to 500 billion dollars is wasted the world over on buying this poisonous tobacco product. Compare this with the paltry sum of 30 billion dollars which is spent on child health, primary education and sanitation. This comparison is more than enough to stress that an all out war against tobacco is need of the hour and should be vigorously launched. Only discouraging the menace is not enough, tobacco must be totally banned. Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. It kills more than 50 million (5 crore) people every year across the world. These deaths can be avoided if we collect enough courage to impose a complete ban on production and sale of all tobacco products. It has been proved beyond doubt that use of tobacco is the major source of cancer and smokers and tobacco chewers are exceedingly prone to this deadly disease. They are also three times more prone to heart diseases which are also big killers.
Smoking has been proved to be more dangerous for women as they are four times more prone to lung cancer than men. It interferes with their reproductive capabilities and endangers the health of their unborn babies.
If alcohol is the mother of sins, tobacco is the father of diseases as it grossly increases the risk of not only cancer but a number of other diseases. Therefore public opinion should be moulded to effect a blanket ban on the killer habit. It should be thrown out lock, stock and barrel and made a moral taboo in civilized society.