Barakallah, Barak Obama!

Many people may not approve the hype created by media over the spectacular victory of Obama in the US presidential elections, owing to the unjust policies of US administration, which may continue even under him and in spite of him. But entry of a non-White in the White House, fired with enthusiasm to create a…

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June 23, 2022

Many people may not approve the hype created by media over the spectacular victory of Obama in the US presidential elections, owing to the unjust policies of US administration, which may continue even under him and in spite of him. But entry of a non-White in the White House, fired with enthusiasm to create a just world, is in itself a positive step which should be welcomed.

Perhaps the last eight years under Bush would be regarded as the darkest period in American history. In that backdrop Obama’s advent is definitely heartening.

Americans themselves were extremely frustrated with the unjust war imposed on Afghanistan and Iraq with the added ignominy Abu Gharaib and Guantanamo have brought to this champion of liberty. They wholeheartedly wanted a break with the recent past and a reassuring change for the better.

Obama’s victory has been hailed by millions of people all over the world as an inspiring start. Remember the soul stirring 1963 speech of Martin Luther King Jr. delivered from the steps of Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. He had a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will sit together on the table of brotherhood. Now, Obama’s victory has set that table and the world is impatiently waiting to see whether the dream is fully realised or not.

The year 1492 saw the opening of a new world of opportunities for humanity. But European colonialists misused this golden opportunity and almost wiped out the native population of that continent. They are just 2 to 3 per cent of the present over 300 million population in the USA. Then they embarked on enslaving entire populations of African countries to be used as cheap labourers. Abraham Lincoln, after a prolonged war, succeeded in putting a full stop to slavery but he could not force his countrymen to accept the principles of equality and equal rights. It is just for the last four decades that a semblance of equal rights has been introduced there.

God has bestowed the USA in many ways. It is the most powerful country in the world. But its policies are based on superpower mentality, ego and injustice. Vietnam, Latin American countries, Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq and a score of other countries speak volumes about the unjust US policies. The repressive economic system in the world, which is breaking under its own weight, is also being controlled by the USA.

Obama has to change these policies and it is not an easy task. He has also to change the policy of looking at Islam and the Muslim world as enemies.

Mr. President Obama! You are being hailed as the herald of change. You are broadminded, energetic and open-minded. The world will like you to come up to its expectations. Remember, history will judge you and finally the Ultimate Judge God will also judge you. But just, uphold justice and God would be on your side. Victory is theirs on whose side God is. We wish you Godspeed and all success in your efforts.