The assassination of Benazir Bhutto is highly condemnable. History bears testimony that for the sake of truth, Aristotle was forced to drink the goblet of poison, Jesus had to face the gallows, Ghandiji was shot to death. But their followers believe their virtues shall continue to inspire them in myriad forms. The day Benazir sacrificed her life for her country will forever be remembered in the history of Pakistan. She struggled day and night till her last breathe for the restoration of democracy, freedom of media, independent judiciary and an end to Musharraf’s dictatorship. After 9/11 General Musharraf’s policies as an ally of Bush government in war against concocted terrorism was not taken for granted by a considerable chunk of Pakistan’s populace. She differed with other opposition parties on boycotting the oncoming elections. It appears she paid with her life for her refusal. The conditions are so bad in Pakistan that there is every possibility that the successor of Mrs. Bhutto’s P.P.P may face the some fate which fell to her.
Iqbal Ahmed Khan
Burhanpur, M.P.