Chief Minister of Bihar has announced that the staff of Bihar Urdu Academy will be elevated to the status of state government employees. This is in recognition to the contributions of the Academy that has further been granted permission to institute two national awards in the names of Maulana Azad and Ghulam Sarwar. In this regard names of first awardees have been announced which includes the posthumous award to Professor Abdul Moghni. It may be recalled that Professor Abdul Moghni had the distinction of making Urdu Academy in Bihar an effective platform to raise the demand of second state language in favour of Urdu and he succeeded in his unique endeavour.
Chief Minister of Bihar has announced that the staff of Bihar Urdu Academy will be elevated to the status of state government employees. This is in recognition to the contributions of the Academy that has further been granted permission to institute two national awards in the names of Maulana Azad and Ghulam Sarwar.