Less than 24 hours after Israel started to strike Gaza, and albeit the freezing weather of London, many British citizens gathered in thousands to demonstrate against the Israeli aggression on the innocent people of Gaza. The demonstration took place in front of the Israeli embassy in London on Sunday, December 28, and was organised and supported by Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), British Muslim Initiative (BMI), Stop the War (STW), Respect, Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB), Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC) & Friends of Al-Aqsa (FoA).
The organizers of the demonstration confirmed that the crowds reached more than 2,500 protestors, coming from all corners of London despite the short notice. People of all backgrounds attended; Arab, non-Arab, Muslim and non-Muslims – even including Jews. They were a mixture of men, women and children of all ages and a big number of these were English and non-Arab.
Initially the demonstration was planned on being a non-violent protest situated in front of the Israeli embassy. The police erected barriers to create distance between the crowds and the gates of the embassy, but due to the tense atmosphere and boiling emotions, some people kicked down the barriers and rushed to the gates. These were quickly followed by dozens of others who simply couldn’t control themselves due to their anger. Some protesters climbed the barriers and threw shoes and others were seen to be throwing red liquid, a symbol of blood, towards the gate.
Police interfered and forced the protesters to withdraw to the main road, consequently stopping the traffic on that busy road. The police asked for additional forces to join them and they were supplied with riot police and trained dogs. Police helicopters hovering overhead were also present, monitoring the event.
In an interview with Dr. Daud Abdullah, the deputy secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), he expressed his outrage at the Israeli attacks on the Gaza strip and demanded the instant cease of the massacres.
He said that this demonstration is just the beginning of a series of movements and will be followed by another one the following day; Mon, December 29, in the same location in front of the Israeli embassy. Also, scheduled for next weekend is a bigger demonstration to be held on the 3rd or 4th of January, in Trafalgar square, central London.
Apart from London, other cities have held a couple of demonstrations on Monday, December 29, these include Birmingham, City Centre; Halifax, opposite to the Central Library; York, St. Thompsons Square; Sheffield, outside Town Hall; Bradford, Centenary Square; and Cardiff is holding it on Tuesday, December 30, Queen Street.
In his answer on whether these demonstrations make any difference on the British decision makers, Dr. Abdullah confirmed that it has its impact on them. He noted that the British government this time and differently than in the past, has asked Israel to stop the war instantly.
In deed the British Foreign Secretary David Miliband has called for an urgent ceasefire in Gaza after Israeli air strikes left hundreds dead.
“The deteriorating humanitarian situation is deeply disturbing,” he said.
This is contrary to previous times when Britain and other European countries have been more lenient with their criticism of Israel, such as during the July 2006’s attacks on Lebanon when Israel asked the international community to give it more time “to finish the job,” and got as it wished.
It should also be noted that the European Union is demanding Israel for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
Dr. Abdullah’s message for the people of Gaza is to be patient and be united at this difficult time, and to rely on Allah (SWT) and observe his orders as he is the one who can give them the real support and protection. He is the one who will liberate them, and by the will of Allah (SWT) it will be very soon. [IslamOnline.net]