Over one hundred organisations, including civil society groups, non-governmental organisations, trade unions, popular committees and political organisations have signed the appeal for boycott of celebrations planned by the state of Israel to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Israel’s creation in 1948.

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June 17, 2022

Over one hundred organisations, including civil society groups, non-governmental organisations, trade unions, popular committees and political organisations have signed the appeal for boycott of celebrations planned by the state of Israel to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Israel’s creation in 1948. The appeal challenges the celebration of the creation of the state of Israel, saying that the project of Israel is a colonial project that completely disenfranchised the indigenous Palestinian population. The appeal urged international civil society in all its components, particularly institutions and individuals working in the arts, academia, sport, trade unions, and communities of faith to boycott the “Israel at 60” celebrations wherever they are held in the world. The appeal states that support of these events undermines the Palestinian resistance, while strengthening the Israeli Occupation’s hold on Palestine. These celebrations, by definition, insult our history, violate our rights, and deepen our oppression. They also render the path to justice, freedom, equality, and sustainable peace based on international law longer than ever before. The signatories of the appeal include Palestinian Journalists’ Association, Jerusalem, Palestinian Engineers’ Syndicate, Jerusalem, Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, UPWC, Ramallah, Jerusalem Centre for Social & Economic Rights JCSER, Jerusalem.