In the cafes and cafeterias of the National Capital, Delhi, one question that is being discussed avidly is: when India is going to launch a retaliatory offensive against Pakistan, which, at periodic intervals, is sending trained marauders, as it did on November 26, 2008?
The initial steps referred to in these sizzling-hot discussions include: termination of ceasefire along the Line of Control, snapping of bus air links, suspension of the dialogue process and all that had been slowly but surely, bridging the gulf between the mutually suspicious neighbours.
What has added fuel to the fire is some TV channels’ recent repeated focus on “Enough is Enough” placards, understandably displayed by victims and sufferers of the Mumbai mayhem, during their usually impromptu but later on organised protests.
There is no denying the fact that not only Mumbai but the entire billion plus Bharat felt devastated at the unexpected and inexplicable attack that claimed more than 180 lives, besides causing injuries to hundreds.
The electronic and print media, of course, belatedly, has recorded in black and white that the Intelligence agencies did their job and kept the political authorities well-posted with the on-coming developments. But the partially blind and totally deaf political bosses refused to respond.
In the words of an eminent commentator, Praveen Swamy, … in 2002, Indian intelligence informants began reporting that Lashkar operatives were being trained in marine commando techniques along the Mangla Dam, which straddles the border between Pakistan-administered Kashmir and the province of Punjab. It soon became clear that the Lashkar, which found it increasingly difficult to penetrate India’s Line of Control defences, was hoping to open new routes across the Indian Ocean – routes which would give it easy access to key cities like Mumbai.
In 2005 and 2006 too, the political authorities were informed by the persons concerned. It was they who, in fact, failed the nation. An Intelligence officer succinctly defends: “Intelligence is only an aid to on-ground policing, not a substitute.”
The unsavoury truth is our political class as a whole is not up to the job. It is, exception apart, lazy, lethargic, opportunist and non-performing. Fond of issuing commands and listening only to sycophants, our politicians prefer to downplay the tragedies as we saw in Mumbai. The first to reach the tragic spots were not MLAs or MPs or ministers. It was either the curious crowds or the headline-hungry news-hounds. Why almost each and every politician is found wearing several rings? To evade “planetary evil influences” and attract the “goddess of wealth”. In the words of Rajiv Desai, a public affairs’ analyst: In India, Mayawati is feted for her ability to rally the impoverished and oppressed Dalit castes, flaunting diamond jewellery and disclosing mind-boggling assets. The BJP, with its pursuit of a communal anti-Muslim agenda, offers no real message other than hate and deceit.
Caution we feel, is a “must” for both, our politicians and diplomats particularly because, be it war or peace, we are always at war with Pakistan. Similarly, Pakistan is always at war with Bharat. This is a simple fact, neither an enigma nor a riddle, nor an enigma-inside-a-riddle.
26/11 IS 9/11?
Speakers and commentators, at home and abroad, have, without comprehending its psychological ramifications, been using the metaphor 9/11.
They are asking the world to believe that what happened, quite tragically, in Mumbai on 26/11 is India’s 9/11. There is, no doubt, similarity in unexpectedness, meticulousness, planning and the security forces’ unpreparedness. But in September 2001, the casualties were far greater. That, however is not the point we intend to underscore. This metaphor, inherently having disastrous rather destructive genes, is sending wrong signals and misleading the gullible. This metaphor pushes the powers-that-be towards war, the futile war that the Bush administration fought with Iraq.
The West particularly the US and Britain have an insatiable appetite for interventions abroad. Our tragedy has provided them with an opportunity to land their agencies in our land – uninvited. Had New Delhi invited the intelligence authorities from the US, UK and France to investigate a crime that has occurred on our land?
New Delhi and Islamabad are involved in a bilateral imbroglio. Let them solve it bilaterally. We have already allowed the US and its allies like Israel to reach to our heart, our security. We have thus almost compromised our sovereignty. They had no, and have no, business to share our military secrets. Ultimately, all this has to be undone.
Let us, the Congress, the UPA dispensation as well as the impatient BJP behave responsibly. Our size, our nuclear capability, our military, naval and air power, our industrial strides, our technological advancement, our regational status devolve an onerous responsibility on our shoulders.
After all, all said and done, we cannot alter our geography. Neighbours shall remain neighbours.
Let us show minor mirror to Pakistan and put sense into its head. We are for a result-oriented, effective dialogue, not for war, which should be the last resort.