A children protest rally was organised against farmers’ suicide by Lokraj Sangathan in cooperation with other organisations,

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June 25, 2022
A children protest rally was organised against farmers’ suicide by Lokraj Sangathan in cooperation with other organisations, including Jamaat-e-Islami Hind from Mandi House to Agricultural Ministry House in the Capital.
Around 300 school children along with widows and orphans of suicide farmers participated in the rally, opposing Government policies of SEZ and lands and demanding writing farmers’ debts off.
Expressing solidarity with the kins of affected farmers, Mr Mujtaba Farooq, Secretary Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, said that the Government should take the issue very seriously and issue orders for some corrective steps. He also called upon the Government to grant immediate compensation to the families of suicide farmers. He condemned the Government for offering farming lands to establish Special Economic Zone.
At the end of the rally, Mujtaba Farooq along with leaders of Lok Raj Sangathan, and widows and orphans of suicide peasants presented a memorandum to Agriculture Minister, Mr Sharad Pawar, demanding the government to provide secure livelihood for every family affected by peasants’ suicide, including immediate relief of 1 crore each.