The Swiss Banking Association has allegedly stated that Indians have $1456 billion in secret accounts. This is more than the total amount held by persons of all other nationalities. With India as the 83rd most corrupt country in the world, our political leaders have become most corrupt. They have massive wealth which they have collected through unlawful means. They include Mayawati, Jayalalithaa, Sukh Ram, Bangaru Laxman who was caught while taking bribe in a defence deal, George Fernandes involved in coffin caskets scandal, and many MPs of major political parties caught in ‘cash for question’ scandals, etc.
In fact, politicians of all political parties, bureaucrats, policemen, etc. are more often than not found involved in scams, corruption and embezzlement. Poor people, involved in petty crimes, due to poverty, are thrown in jails while big sharks succeed in being elected as MLAs and MPs and eventually in wielding power. They are indeed harming and destroying India more than the Naxalites and terrorists.
G. Hasnain Kaif
Bhandara, Maharashtra