The Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister has lifted the ban on the government servants from joining RSS. The conduct rules have thus been amended. The ground is that RSS is a socio-cultural organisation. The government order made by the CM to appease the RSS and thereby ensure permanence in his seat following Prof Sabbarwal murder fiasco may appear to be a shrewd move by him but it is definitely going to put the government servants in a fix.
If the country witnesses the increasing role of bureaucrats towards committed bureaucracy where the government servants are deeply divided on caste lines and increasingly inclined to have sympathies towards the party of their caste, where the government servants are publicly becoming their masters voice to the extent that only those can survive who are working as workers of the ruling party, and if inefficiency, corruption and ignorance get a cover under the political loyalty then the new trend started by the MP government will be the death knell for bureaucracy.
Now the party and its workers will force the government servants to join the Shakhas. Those who will, shall be rated higher for getting better postings even if they are not deserving. Those who won’t, shall be discriminated against even if they are deserving, as they will be charged to be at ideological variance with the ruling party ideology.
Farzana Nigar
Doranda, Ranchi