The heat of elections is about to come to a close. Most of the 144 crore citizens of this most populous and plural country are still engaged in heated debates about the parties, their manifestos, programs and expectations from them.
They also say that the country is at a crossroads. If the expected change is not brought in, they feel, India may lose its democratic distinction and lurch into dictatorship. They also express the fear that the degree of -hate promoted during the last decade must be defeated, otherwise India would drown in the dark ocean of hate and communal conflicts.
A careful analysis of the popular debates raging during election campaigns reveals that the most popular concern of the youth of India has been unemployment and lack of jobs. They squarely blame the present dispensation for this sorry state of affairs. The second important concern of the people has been the backbreaking inflation. They are not at all ready to buy the ruling party’s propaganda that the country is about to become a 5 trillion economy. They put forward their counterargument that even if we become a 5 trillion economy, it won’t do good to common citizens because the money has got concentrated in a few hands of crony capitalists who possess most of the wealth and resources of the country. They quote the allegation that 20 to 30 big families possess what 40-50% poorest Indians have. Also, we have a very bad position in per capita income because of the unjust distribution of resources.
Yet another disturbing problem the nation is facing is a moral problem. Corruption and bribing has become so common that it is accepted as a necessary evil for development. What else was the electoral bond scheme? It was a legalized license for corruption by politicians, especially by those who control the levers of power.
In this regard, conscientious well-wishers of society point out that the ruling party has constructed about 1000 palatial offices in 700 districts of India. They estimate that at least 60,000 crore rupees have been spent on them. But nobody dares to ask the ruling party from where they got the money.
Eminent legal experts like Prashant Bhushan and Kapil Sibal say that even if not most some judges fear Modi and his government. The worrying fact is that power corrupts and absolute power has corrupted the ruling dispensation beyond limits.
The irresponsible behavior of the ruling party has emboldened them to do any, and every, thing against the law. Enforcement Directorate (ED), Income Tax Department and CBI have become the most powerful weapons in the hands of the ruling party.
If BJP wins on June 4, the people will have to get ready to face greater difficulties, arbitrary laws and a reign of terror. This may result in a revolt of the disenchanted citizens. And if INDIA coalition wins, we may expect a period of relief and reconstruction. Yet there is a potential danger that different coalition parties may indulge in mutual conflicts and may not be able to give a stable government. Let us hope that in the event of winning a clear majority, they will act responsibly and provide good governance. Their unity and cooperation is the first priority. Then they should do their best to fulfil their promises and come up to the hopes and aspirations of the traumatized citizens.