Ranganath Misra Commission for Linguistic and Religious Minorities in its report sent to the Government of India in May 2007, advocated to the Government to delink religion from caste net and grant equal right to all Dalits irrespective of religion. The First ever meeting of Dalit Muslims and Christians in Andhra Pradesh, held in Osmania University Centre for International Programmes (OUCIP) on November 17 urged the Central Government to table Ranganath Commission Report in the Parliament and put an end to 57 years of injustice done to the Dalit Muslims and Dalit Christians, granting them privileges of representation in the legislatures, Legal Protection and all reservations given to the Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist Dalits. Rev. Marampudi Joji, Archbishop of Hyderabad, Mr. Potturi Venkateswara Rao, senior Editor, Mr. Malik Moatasim Khan, President Jamaat-e-Islami Hind AP and Orissa and Prof. Kancha Ilaiah were among the VIPs who addressed the Round Table conference. Mr. G.Alfred IPS (Retd.)President of UFDCR (United Front for Dalit Christian Rights, gave the key-note address. He explained the 57 years of Struggle for equal rights. Mr. Aariz Mohammed, Coordinator for AIUMM (All India United Muslim Morcha-South) explained various documents concerning the present issue. Rev. Fr. AXJ. Bosco SJ moderated the conference.
Ranganath Misra Commission for Linguistic and Religious Minorities in its report sent to the Government of India in May 2007, advocated to the Government to delink religion from caste net and grant equal right to all Dalits irrespective of religion.