The Lok Sabha elections 2024 are moving forward with utmost enthusiasm and warmth, and of course with some fury and resentment. In the first phase of the elections, the voting percentage is down by 4 percent when compared to 2019 voting. Optimists say that it is because of heatwave and marriage season. But critics say it is because of the frustration of the citizens on what they have seen in the decade-long functioning of the BJP government and its divisive policies and disturbing economic performance. They feel the pinch of the pro-wealthy policies of the party which swears “sabka saath, sabka vikas…” They quote that this government did some good for the country but it is by all means a pro-capitalist government. During its 10-yearrule, it wrote off 15 lakh crore – about 33% of the country’s annual budget – of the capitalists.
Moreover, joblessness among the youth has reached its climax. Even if they want to follow the PM’s advice for ‘Pakoda’ business, it’s not possible for them. The government’s economic management is in a mess. The PM had promised that he would provide two crore jobs in the 10-year rule. On the contrary, the number of jobs has decreased significantly. People know that their hard-earned money is in the hands of capitalists who are supporting the present regime. They know no step was taken against Adani Group; all types of favors were showered upon it. And our PM did not speak even a single word about the wrongdoings of Adani and his cohorts. They also know that Oxfam, an organization working in more than 70 countries, has been telling India about the concentration of wealth in fewer hands at the cost of poor millions.
People also know that backbreaking inflation is steadily on the increase. They are no longer ready to be hoodwinked by Ram temple or communally divisive demands for turning mosques into temples. Some blind followers are intoxicated by pseudo-religious fervor. But a majority of people want peace, tranquillity, and reconciliation.
Because of the wrong policies of the BJP government, the faultlines of North-South divide have also widened. This may prove to be very dangerous for the unity and integrity of the nation. So, people ask why the PM didn’t visit Manipur which has been burning in the fire of ethnic clashes for more than one year. At best the PM should have taken action against the ethnic clashes. But there is silence – dead silence. People see the government’s abrogation of Article 370 in J&K as the destruction of the state’s link to the Indian Union. They ask why there are no assembly elections in the state.
Honest people, intellectuals and well-wishers of the country are continuously raising their voices against the center’s policies which are against India’s federal structure and the highhandedness of authorities who are working against the spirit of federalism.
People are fully conscious of the corruption of the government through electoral bonds. They know how government machinery is being used to intimidate opposition leaders. They quote how 25 leaders were accused of corruption, but when they joined BJP, their cases were either withdrawn or put into cold storage.
Common citizens are the arbiters. They know where the shoe pinches and will decide who should rule the country. Let’s pray to God to bless our country and shower His gift of correct decision-making on the minds and hearts of 144 crore Indians.