Demystifying the Treta-Yuga

Mythical hero, Rama is said to have been born in the Treta-Yuga. Hence the need to understand and demystify the Treta-Yuga, which is not a historical period at all.

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August 17, 2022

Mythical hero, Rama is said to have been born in the Treta-Yuga. Hence the need to understand and demystify the Treta-Yuga, which is not a historical period at all.


All the great periods of ancient Hindus were but multiples of sum that are commonly observed in Astronomy. The ancient Hindus used to conceal their knowledge in secret codes. For example, the value of pi, which expresses the relations of the circumference of the diameter of a circle, was concealed in the great cycle known as The Age of Brahma = 3,110,400,000,000 (13 digits) years. This Age of Brahma is 100 years. So, one year is = 31,104,000,000 (11 digits) years. Divided by 360 days, one day of Brahma is = 86,400,000 (8 digits) years.

Now, by adding together Age, Year and Day of Brahma, we get

Age  = 3,110,400,000,000 years

Year = 31,104,000,000 years

Day = 86,400,000 years

Grand total=3,141,590,400,000Years. (13 digits)

Or say, 314159, which is the familiar value of pi, or very nearly 355 divided by 113.

Diameter x 22 x 2

7                             = circumference of a circle.


Thus, we find the Age, Year and Day of Brahma is a secret code of ancient Hindus to pass on the value of pi, so that others do not understand it.

It remains a singular fact that Kepler’s law of the distance of the planets being regulated by their velocities, so that they describe by their vectors equal areas in equal times, is in direct relations with the value of pi x a2 which represents the area of the circle.


We are all familiar with two motions of the earth. One, the Earth rotates on its axis in 24 hours, causing day and night. Two, the Earth makes one round of the sun in one year, which results in the four different seasons. But the earth has third motion also, which takes 25920 years to make one circle. It was known as Great Year of Plato, named after Plato, who first discovered it. In common language it is known as “Precession of Equinoxes” or in Hindi as “Ayanmasa”. It takes 72 years (360 x 72 = 25920 days) to proceed one degree of the Zodiac. Day and night were equal on 13th April, 282 C.E. and in the year 2010, day and night was equal on 20th March. This will continue to be so over the next 72 years and from 2082, day and night will be equal on 19th March. This way, day and night will be equal on 13th April, 282+25920 = 26202 C.E. This motion results in cataclysmic changes due to earth poles changing directions. This trend can already be noted from 1990 C.E. onwards, and this will keep on increasing its intensity, frequency and furiousness in the coming days.

The ancient knew of a motion of the earth’s axis which had reference to the obliquity of the ecliptic, and they appear to have used these ages in order to indicate the time during which the pole of the earth passed through a definite number of degrees.


Brahmic Day is directly related to Hindu conception of Yugas, or Ages referred to as the Gold, Silver, Copper and Iron Ages, also known as:

1-       Satya Yuga          1,728,000 years;

2-       Treta Yuga           1,296,000 years;

3-       Dvapar Yuga      864,000 years; and

4-       Kali Yuga             432,000 years;

Grant Total  4, 320,000 solar years.

The Brahmic Day, therefore bears a definite relationship to the Dvapar Yuga, and to the Satya Yuga. Dvapar Yuga is 1/100th of Brahmic Day, and Satya Yuga is double of Dvapar Yuga. Half of the Great Year of Plato is 12960 years, which is 1/100th part of the Treta Yuga. So, there can be very little doubt that these astronomical periods of the ancient are all linked up in such a manner as to form a complete system of astronomical chronology. They are all formed on a numerical progression of 1234 = 10, and the sum of four ages is ten times the value of the first Kali Yuga, as 432,000 and 4,320,000 years. This would be the case with any numerical series in the ratio of 1234.


However, the basis of the system is to be found in the multiples of 72, that being the number of years in which Precession of Equinoxes amounts to one degree of ecliptic.

There are 60 minutes in one Degree and 72 x 60 = 4320, which gives us the basis of the Yugas. Also 6 times 60 = 360, the number of the degree in the cycle, and 6 times 4320 = 25,920, which is the Great Year of Plato.

That which was known as the Naros of 60 years, during which one the 12 manifestations of the deity was presumed to rule on earth, gives us the value of 600 x 12 = 7200 years; and 60 times this is 432,000, which is the length of Kali Yuga. These enquiries are extremely interesting to pursue.

Astronomers such as Hershel, Maskeline and others have shown that the diminution amounts to 50 seconds per year and it is 1.38888889 degree per century. This may also be interesting to note that 360 x 60 x 60 seconds = 1296,000, and that is the length of Treta Yuga. So, the Treta Yuga is nothing but the expression of PRECESSION OF EQUINOXES in seconds, of the full circle of Zodiac.

If, therefore, we take the progression of 1, 2, 3 times, the value of the 12 revolutions of the circle; 360 x 12 = 4320, which is the basic value of the cycle, this multiplied by 1, 2, 3, we get:

4320 x 1 = 4320 years;

4320 x 2 = 8640 years;

4320 x 3 = 12960 years;

Grand total – 25920 years, which is the Great Year.

Thus, it appears, 360 Degrees x 12 Signs of the Zodiac x 6 is equal to the Great Year of 25920 years. Kali Yuga is 100 times of this value; and Dvapar is its double and Treta is its triple. Now, Ayodhya Pandas will have to pinpoint the exact year of birth of mythical hero – Rama, under the Formula of Treta Yuga to measure the PRECESSION OF EQUINOXES.

[Ref. – The Kabala of Numbers, pt. I, by Sepharial; 1920 ed., P.12 and Pp. 176-179. The writer is an I.A.S. (Retd.) of West Bengal cadre, now based in Patiala. For publishing his book, The Secular Emperor Babar he was suspended from IAS in April 1994 and subsequently dismissed from services in November 2000]