Mahesh Bhatt’s film Dhoka has for the first time featured a true picture of Indian Muslims as it demands from the Government to implement without any further delay the recommendations of Justice Srikrishna Commission Report. This was the consensus emerged during a seminar on the feature film Dhoka organised at Film Division Auditorium by Urdu Press Club in the Capital on August 30.
Replying to a question from the audience, Director of the film Mahesh Bhatt said, “We will continue to raise voice against the oppressions and injustices meted out to human beings, particularly minorities and Dalits. We demand that Justice Srikrishna Commissions recommendations be implemented forthwith and the guilty must be brought to book. And this is what our film Dhoka aims at.”
Speaking on the occasion, Minister of State for Human Resource Development Ali Ashraf Fatmi said, “We fight for the issues raised in the film almost every day as we raise them in Parliament as well. This film heals the wounds of Muslims.”
Delhi State Minorities Commission chairman Kamal Farooqi averred, “This is our country and we will continue to fight for our rights as hopelessness is against the very spirit of our religion.”
Member of Parliament and Urdu Press Club chairman Abdur Rasheed Shaheen, National Congress Party general secretary and Member of Parliament Tariq Anwar, and former Minister of Uttar Pradesh Ashok Yadav are from among those who addressed the audience. They congratulated film director Mahesh Bhatt and co-director Puja Bhatt for knocking at the conscience of Indian society and polity by raising voice boldly and fearlessly against the injustices done to Indian Muslims.