Do Not Wrong One Another

The Prophet ﷺ told us that Allah says, “O My slaves, I have forbidden zulm (injustice, wrongdoing, unfairness) to Myself and I have made it haraam (illegal) among you, so do not wrong one another.”

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The Prophet told us that Allah says, “O My slaves, I have forbidden zulm (injustice, wrongdoing, unfairness) to Myself and I have made it haraam (illegal) among you, so do not wrong one another.” (Muslim)

God enjoins adl (justice) and asks human beings to uphold it; he forbids zulm and asks us not to do injustice or commit wrong against one another. This hadith-i-Qudsi says that God forbids zulm unto Himself. The Qur’ān repeatedly asserts this Divine promise:  wa-hum la uzlamoon (…and none shall be wronged) (2:281, 3:25, 10:47, 10:54, 39:69, 46:19), and wa-la uzlamoona fateela (…and they shall not be wronged a whit) (17:71). This means that God will reward His faithful servants and punish the unbelievers. This reward and punishment will be based on the Divine justice.

This hadith further says that God has made it haraam (illegal) for human beings to do injustice or any wrong to their fellow beings. And, finally, God enjoins us not to do wrong one another.

The impetus to do injustice or wrong to others comes only when one nurtures some pride; this pride may be on the bases of wealth, position or ancestry. In Islamic system, pride has no place; and the ultimate end of pride, if no forgiven, is punishment of the raging fire.

Imam Ibn Taymiya, while explaining Prophetic sayings on the issues of justice and injustice, writes: “God upholds the just state even if it is unbelieving, but does not uphold the unjust state even if it is Muslim.” (Public Duties in Islam, p. 95)