Mohamed ElBaradei, the United Nations nuclear watchdog chief, warned against the “new crazies” advocating military action to halt Iran’s nuclear programme and said he did not want to see another war like that in Iraq. The scathing attack by Mohamed ElBaradei were swiftly dismissed by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who accused the International…

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June 17, 2022

Mohamed ElBaradei, the United Nations nuclear watchdog chief, warned against the “new crazies” advocating military action to halt Iran’s nuclear programme and said he did not want to see another war like that in Iraq. The scathing attack by Mohamed ElBaradei were swiftly dismissed by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who accused the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief of “muddying the message.”
Mohamed ElBaradei said in a documentary, excerpts from which were published on the BBC’s Web site in advance that a nuclear-armed Iran would be terrible but added that the jury was still out as to whether the country even wanted atomic weapons. He warned that one could not “bomb knowledge.” Asked who the “new crazies” were, he replied: “Those who have extreme views and say the only solution is to impose your will by force.”

Condoleezza Rice rebuked ElBaradei saying “We have a diplomatic choice … that is only going to succeed if we are absolutely clear with the Iranians, not muddying the message in any way”. “They are hearing it loud and clear from the international community. I expect them to hear it loud and clear from the IAEA and from its director”, she added.